locale = []; localeCode = 'hi'; locale['lobby.bura.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`; locale['lobby.bura.filter.max.amount'] = `Max:`; locale['lobby.bura.filter.min.amount'] = `Min:`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.bet'] = `AMOUNT`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.kind'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.status'] = `STATUS`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.stick'] = `MALIUTKA`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.till'] = `POINTS`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.without.turn.override'] = `Turn`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.3cards'] = `3 Cards`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.5cards'] = `5 Cards`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.bet'] = `AMOUNT`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.cards.count'] = `Game type:`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.stick.type'] = `Maliutka`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.till'] = `Points:`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.without.turn.override'] = `Turn`; locale['lobby.bura.only.3cards.game'] = `3 Cards hide`; locale['lobby.bura.only.5cards.game'] = `5 Cards hide`; locale['lobby.bura.only.turn.override'] = `Hide maliutka`; locale['lobby.bura.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['lobby.bura.tabs.gel.10.20'] = `GEL 10 - 20`; locale['lobby.bura.tabs.gel.20+'] = `GEL 20+`; locale['lobby.bura.tabs.gel.half.10'] = `GEL 0.50 - 10`; locale['lobby.bura.without.turn.override'] = `Hide no maliutka`; locale['lobby.master.apply.filter'] = `FILTER`; locale['lobby.master.cancel'] = `Cancel`; locale['lobby.master.choose'] = `Choose`; locale['lobby.master.choose.avatar'] = `CHOOSE AVATAR`; locale['lobby.master.clear.filter'] = `CLEAR`; locale['lobby.master.filter'] = `FILTER`; locale['lobby.master.open.table'] = `Create table`; locale['lobby.master.player'] = `PLAYERS`; locale['lobby.master.player.balance'] = `Credits`; locale['lobby.master.player.change.avatar'] = `SETTINGS`; locale['lobby.master.player.name'] = `User`; locale['lobby.master.playing'] = `ONLINE`; locale['bura.button.Red'] = `Red`; locale['bura.button.Black'] = `Black`; locale['boardgames.button.Accept'] = `Yes`; locale['bura.button.PlaceCards'] = `Throw`; locale['bura.button.PassCards'] = `Throw`; locale['bura.button.Continue'] = `Continue`; locale['bura.button.ShowCards'] = `Show!`; locale['bura.button.TakeCards'] = `Repel`; locale['bura.button.PlaceStick'] = `Malutka`; locale['bura.button.PlaceBURA'] = `BURA`; locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble'] = `Triple`; locale['boardgames.button.Rematch'] = `Yes`; locale['boardgames.button.Close'] = `Close`; locale['bura.board.bet'] = `Amount`; locale['bura.board.point'] = `Points`; locale['bura.board.malutka'] = `Maliutka`; locale['bura.board.background'] = `Backgrounds`; locale['bura.board.remainingTime'] = `Time remaining`; locale['bura.board.game'] = `TABLE`; locale['bura.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['chat.header'] = `CHAT`; locale['chat.send.message'] = `Send `; locale['seka.message.place.bet.call'] = `Play {0} {1}`; locale['seka.message.place.bet.all.in'] = `All In {0} {1}`; locale['seka.message.place.bet.raise'] = `Raised {0} {1}`; locale['seka.message.wait.for.me'] = `Wait for me`; locale['seka.message.fold'] = `Fold`; locale['seka.fold'] = `Fold`; locale['test.test'] = `aaxxx`; locale['bura.button.fold'] = `Fold`; locale['seka.button.blind'] = `Blind`; locale['seka.button.reblind'] = `Re Blind`; locale['seka.button.ignore'] = `No`; locale['seka.button.place.bet'] = `Play`; locale['seka.button.show.cards'] = `Show cards`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.bet'] = `Bet:`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.bet.from'] = `From:`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.bet.to'] = `To:`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.score'] = `POINTS:`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.gammon'] = `Double:`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.gammon.yes'] = `YES`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.gammon.no'] = `No`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.bet'] = `Amount`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.till'] = `Points`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.bet'] = `AMOUNT`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.till'] = `POINTS`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.status'] = `STATUS`; locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.gel.10.20'] = `GEL 10 - 20`; locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.gel.20+'] = `GEL 20+`; locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.gel.half.10'] = `GEL 0.50 - 10`; locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`; locale['joining.table.game'] = `Player`; locale['message.player.left.the.game'] = `Due to oponents exit you won {0}. GEL Won amount will be transferred to your account.`; locale['backgammon.message.your.move'] = `Your move`; locale['backgammon.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Opponent\'s move`; locale['game.amount'] = `Stake`; locale['bura.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Waiting... Opponent\'s move`; locale['message.timeout.lose'] = `Your time expired. Opponent wins`; locale['message.timeout.win'] = `Due to oponents delay you won {0} GEL. Won amount will be transferred to you account.`; locale['bura.message.your.move'] = `Your move`; locale['message.player.join.request'] = `Do you want to play with {0}`; locale['lobby.master.join.game.header'] = `Want to play on this table?`; locale['play.till'] = `Points`; locale['lobby.master.join.game.cancel'] = `Cancel`; locale['allow.turn.override'] = `Malutka`; locale['is.long.style.game'] = ` Type`; locale['seka.message.show.cards'] = `Showing cards {0} {1}`; locale['boardgames.button.doubling.1'] = `Double`; locale['boardgames.button.doubling.2'] = `Triple`; locale['lobby.master.game.warning'] = `Message`; locale['bura.is.long.style.game.True'] = `5 cards`; locale['bura.is.long.style.game.False'] = `3 cards`; locale['bura.message.wait.for.game.start'] = `Waiting`; locale['bura.message.player.guessed.the.trump'] = `You guessed the color, therefore you can begin the game`; locale['seka.initial.bet.amount'] = `BET`; locale['seka.min.amount'] = `Min`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.orderedCards.with.ace'] = `thirty-one`; locale['seka.card.combination.one.ace'] = `Ace`; locale['seka.card.combination.card.ace'] = `Twenty-one`; locale['seka.card.combination.two.card'] = `twenty`; locale['seka.button.re-blind'] = `double blind`; locale['seka.card.combination.two.aces'] = `twenty-two`; locale['seka.message.timout.kick'] = `You are kicked from game because no action.`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.jacks'] = `three jack\'s`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.queens'] = `three queen\'s`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.orderedCards'] = `thirty`; locale['seka.card.combination.one.card'] = `ten`; locale['lobby.dominoes.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`; locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.bet'] = `Stake:`; locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.bet.from'] = `From:`; locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.bet.to'] = `To`; locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.score'] = `POINTS`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.bet'] = `STAKE`; locale['lobby.seka.status'] = `Status`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.initial.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.amount'] = `Max bet:`; locale['lobby.seka.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['lobby.master.game.error'] = `Message`; locale['lobby.master.error.message.close'] = `Close`; locale['lobby.master.game.rejected'] = `Opponent doesn\'t want to play with you`; locale['allow.gammon'] = `Double`; locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.gel.half.10'] = `{0} 0.50 - 10`; locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.gel.10.20'] = `{0} 10 - 20`; locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.gel.20+'] = `{0} 20+`; locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`; locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.till'] = `HAND`; locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.status'] = `STATUS`; locale['lobby.seka.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`; locale['lobby.seka.game.list.initialBet '] = `BET`; locale['lobby.seka.game.list.minAmunt'] = `BET`; locale['lobby.seka.game.list.places'] = `PLACES`; locale['bura.allow.turn.override.False'] = `Turn`; locale['message.win.and.rematch.offer'] = `You win. Won amount of {0} Lari will be transferred to your balance. Do you want to play more?`; locale['message.lose.and.rematch.offer'] = `Opponent wins! Do you want to play with same player again?`; locale['bura.message.doubling.offer.request'] = `{0} has been requested, your answer...`; locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.2'] = `Triple`; locale['bura.messasge.doubling.offer.waiting'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`; locale['backgammon.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.

Exit anyway?`; locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.bet'] = `AMOUNT`; locale['bura.message.opponent.guessed.the.trump'] = `Opponent guessed the color, therefore he will begin the game`; locale['bura.message.card.count.does.not.match'] = `Choose correct number of cards`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.tens'] = `three ten\'s`; locale['seka.message.no.money.kick'] = `You are kicked from game because low balance`; locale['bura.message.player.not.guessed.the.trump'] = `You didn\'t guess the color, therefore opponent will begin the game`; locale['bura.message.opponent.not.guessed.the.trump'] = `Opponent didn\'t guess the color, therefore youwill begin the game`; locale['bura.message.doubling.offer.waiting'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`; locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.3'] = `Quadruple`; locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.4'] = `Quintuple`; locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.5'] = `Sextuple`; locale['doubling.5'] = `Quintuple`; locale['doubling.6'] = `Sextuple`; locale['bura.message.wait.for.opponent.game.start'] = `Wait... For game to start opponent must guess the trump\'s color`; locale['message.rematch.rejected'] = `Opponent doesn\'t want to play with you`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.1'] = `You scored {0} points, win {0} points`; locale['seka.button.all.in'] = `All in`; locale['seka.message.auto.show.cards'] = `Showing cards`; locale['backgammon.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`; locale['seka.message.player.blind.called'] = `Blind`; locale['lobby.master.player.Category'] = `Rank`; locale['seka.message.player.reblind.called'] = `Double blind`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.kings'] = `three king\'s`; locale['seka.message.player.re-blinde'] = `Double blind`; locale['bura.message.player.rejected.doubling.offer'] = `You rejected {1} offer, opponent win {0} point`; locale['bura.message.opponent.rejected.doubling.offer'] = `Opponent rejected {1} offer, you win {0} point`; locale['bura.message.opponent.win.with.bura'] = `Opponent win because bura`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.1'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 1 point`; locale['lobby.seka.game.list.initialBet'] = `BET `; locale['lobby.game.history.loose'] = `Lose`; locale['lobby.game.history.win'] = `Win`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.opponent'] = `Opponent`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.amount'] = `Bet`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.till'] = `Points`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.win'] = `Result`; locale['lobby.master.game.history'] = `GAME HISTORY`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.till'] = `HAND`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.date'] = `DATE`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.name'] = `Tournament`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.join.fee'] = `BUY-IN`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.player.count'] = `PLAYERS `; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.status'] = `STATUS`; locale['lobby.seka.tabs.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.seka.tabs.sit.and.go.tournaments'] = `SIT & GO`; locale['bura.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.5'] = `You scored {0} points and win 5 points`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.1'] = `Opponent wins. You scored {0}`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.1'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`; locale['message.waiting.for.rematch.offer'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`; locale['message.doubling.2'] = `Doubled`; locale['message.doubling.3'] = `Tripled`; locale['message.doubling.4'] = `Quadrupled`; locale['message.doubling.5'] = `Quintupled`; locale['message.doubling.6'] = `Sextupled`; locale['dominoes.message.your.move'] = `Your move`; locale['dominoes.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Waiting... Opponent\'s move`; locale['dominoes.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.

Exit anyway?`; locale['dominoes.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`; locale['bura.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.

Exit anyway?`; locale['bura.message.card.types.does.not.match'] = `you have chosen wrong suite of cards`; locale['dominoes.message.wait.for.opponent.draw'] = `Oponent goes to the stock`; locale['bura.message.wrong.cards.selected.for.card.taking'] = `You have chosen wrong cards to repel`; locale['bura.allow.turn.override.True'] = `No turn`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.turn.override'] = `No turn`; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.turn.override'] = `No turn`; locale['doubling.3'] = `Triple`; locale['boardgames.button.doubling.3'] = `Quadruple`; locale['boardgames.button.doubling.4'] = `Quintuple`; locale['doubling.4'] = `Quadrupled`; locale['doubling.2'] = `Double`; locale['dominoes.board.balance'] = `Credits`; locale['bura.board.balance'] = `Credits`; locale['bura.board.choose.trumps.color'] = `To start game you have to guess trump color`; locale['boardgames.button.doubling.5'] = `Sextuple`; locale['message.backgammon.player.abandon'] = `Current round will be lost. Points lost: {0}.`; locale['message.backgammon.opponent.abandoned.single.game'] = `Opponent gave up current round. You won {0} points.`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.2'] = `You scored {0} points and win 2 points`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.3'] = `You scored {0} points, win 3 points`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.4'] = `You scored {0} points, win 4 points`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.6'] = `You scored {0} points, win 6 points`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.2'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 2 points`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.3'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 3 points`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.4'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 4 points`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.5'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 5 points`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.6'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 6 points`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.2'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.3'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.4'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.5'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.6'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.2'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.3'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.4'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.5'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`; locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.6'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`; locale['boardgames.button.offer'] = `Choose`; locale['boardgames.button.accept.offer'] = `Approve`; locale['boardgames.button.new.offer'] = `New offer`; locale['bura.board.additionalTime'] = `Additional time`; locale['not.enough.balance'] = `अपर्याप्त फंड`; locale['dominoes.message.lose'] = `the sum of stones on the hand: {0}`; locale['dominoes.message.win'] = `the sum of stones on the hand: {0}`; locale['message.waiting.for.opponent'] = `Wait for opponent`; locale['dominoes.board.additionalTime'] = `Additional time`; locale['dominoes.board.remainingTime'] = `Time remaining`; locale['dominoes.message.your.move.in.draw'] = `Get tiles from stock!`; locale['boardgames.button.Reject'] = `No`; locale['lobby.seka.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`; locale['status.WaitingPlayers'] = `Avialable`; locale['status.Playing'] = `Full`; locale['bura.message.player.win.with.bura'] = `You win because "Bura"`; locale['message.abandon.win.and.rematch.offer'] = `Opponent gave up. You win. Won amount of {0} Lari will be transferred to your balance. Do you want to play with same player?`; locale['dominoes.message.block.win'] = `game is closed ("Riba"). The sum of stones on the hand: {0}`; locale['dominoes.message.block.lose'] = `Game has blocked. Opponent wins the round`; locale['bura.message.player.score.and.draw'] = `You score {0}. Round finished with draw`; locale['seka.message.player.re-blind.called'] = `Reblind`; locale['seka.button.place.seka.join.bet'] = `Join Seka`; locale['seka.button.ignore.seka.join'] = `No`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.aces'] = `Three aces`; locale['lobby.master.popup.category'] = `Current status`; locale['lobby.master.popup.vippoints'] = `VIP points available:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.statuspoints'] = `Points collected this month:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.pointexchange'] = `VIP points to:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.vippointstext'] = `VIP points`; locale['lobby.master.popup.btnconvert'] = `Convert`; locale['lobby.master.popup.minpoints'] = `To maintain current status you have to accumulate`; locale['lobby.master.popup.pointstext'] = `Status points`; locale['lobby.master.popup.expdatetext.before'] = `untill`; locale['boardgames.expectation'] = `Waiting`; locale['board.game'] = `TABLE`; locale['seka.board.background'] = `BG`; locale['seka.board.initial.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['seka.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['dominoes.board.zoom'] = `ZOOM`; locale['dominoes.board.market'] = `STOCK`; locale['dominoes.board.backgrounds'] = `BG`; locale['dominoes.board.tiles'] = `TILES`; locale['dominoes.board.point'] = `POINTS`; locale['dominoes.board.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['backgammon.board.game'] = `TABLE`; locale['backgammon.board.background'] = `BG`; locale['board.balance'] = `BALANCE:`; locale['backgammon.board.auto.roll'] = `Autoroll dice`; locale['backgammon.board.auto.agree'] = `Auto confirm`; locale['backgammon.board.home.change'] = `Change side`; locale['backgammon.board.resign'] = `Give up`; locale['backgammon.board.back'] = `Undo`; locale['backgammon.board.agree'] = `Confirm`; locale['board.lari'] = ` LARI`; locale['seka.tournament.board.registration'] = `REGISTRATION`; locale['seka.tournament.board.information'] = `INFO`; locale['seka.tournament.board.cancel'] = `CANCEL`; locale['seka.tournament.board.level'] = `LEVEL`; locale['seka.tournament.board.prize'] = `AWARDS`; locale['seka.tournament.board.place'] = `POS.`; locale['seka.tournament.board.player'] = `PLAYER`; locale['seka.tournament.board.initial.bet'] = `ANTE`; locale['seka.tournament.board.minute'] = `MINUTS`; locale['seka.board.prize.fund'] = `PRIZE POOL`; locale['seka.tournament.board.current.players'] = `MEMBERS`; locale['seka.tournament.board.start.time'] = `STARTING DATE`; locale['seka.tournament.board.winners'] = `WINNERS`; locale['seka.tournament.board.coins'] = `STAKE`; locale['seka.tournament.board.buy.in'] = `BUY-IN`; locale['seka.tournament.board.min.players'] = `MINIMUM ENTRIES`; locale['seka.tournament.board.max.players'] = `MAXIMUM ENTRIES`; locale['seka.tournament.board.level.time'] = `MINUTES FOR LEVEL`; locale['seka.tournament.board.tournament.id'] = `TOURNAMENT ID`; locale['lobby-tournament-info-row noborder'] = `TOURNAMENT BREAK ONCE EVERY HOUR FOR 5 MINUTES`; locale['db.error.not.enough.money'] = `Not enough money!`; locale['seka.tournament.board.win'] = `WIN`; locale['seka.tournament.board.time.information'] = `TOURNAMENT BREAK ONCE EVERY HOUR FOR 5 MINUTES`; locale['tournament.status.Started'] = `Started`; locale['backgammon.board.point'] = ` Points`; locale['lobby.master.jackpot.header.text'] = `Badbeat jackpot rule`; locale['lobby.master.jackpot.body.text'] = `Jackpot is played out by chance at the time selected by the program. One of the most active tables is selected by the program by chance and the jackpot is equally distributed among the players around the table. In order to win a jackpot, the user must be fully verified (with ID and phone number). `; locale['message.redirect.to.game'] = `Transfering to another table`; locale['tournament.status.Finished'] = `FINISHED`; locale['tournament.message.loser'] = `You left the tournament`; locale['message.game.pause'] = `Pause`; locale['seka.message.player.blind.rejected'] = `Blind rejected`; locale['message.game.pause.head'] = `Pause`; locale['lobby.master.popup.expdatetext.after'] = `Including`; locale['dominoes.message.fish'] = `"Riba" points: {0}`; locale['seka.game.create.error.incorrect.amounts'] = `Wrong max bet. Max bet = 10 * bet.`; locale['board.minute'] = `Minutes`; locale['history.board.game'] = `Game`; locale['backgammon.board.backgrounds'] = `BG`; locale['dominoes.board.ties'] = `Ties`; locale['dominoes.board.additional.time'] = `Time remaining`; locale['tournament.message.win'] = `Congratulations! You took {0} place. Won amount {1} {2} will be transferred to your account`; locale['board.games.token.has.been.terminated'] = `आपका उपयोगकर्ता किसी अन्य डिवाइस से प्रवेश किया। {0}.`; locale['dominoes.board.additeional.time'] = `Additional time`; locale['dominoes.board.fish.total'] = `"Riba" points:`; locale['message.'] = `Message`; locale['seka.card.combination.three.orderedCards.with.ace.9'] = `thirty-two`; locale['seka.board.bank'] = `Bank`; locale['lobby.master.game.already.started'] = `game has already started`; locale['game.create.is.disabled'] = `गेम क्रिएट अक्षम है`; locale['tournament.status.Canceled'] = `Canceled`; locale['tournament.status.New'] = `REGISTRATION`; locale['mobile.backgammon.board.resign'] = `Give up`; locale['mobile.backgammon.board.info'] = `Message`; locale['mobile.bura.board.info'] = `Message`; locale['mobile.dominoes.board.tiles'] = `Tiles`; locale['lobby.backgammon.round'] = `POINTS`; locale['client.ipaddress.already.exists.in.this.game'] = `There\'s someone already playing with this IP. Try other table.`; locale['mobile.boardgame.bura'] = `BURA`; locale['mobile.seka.board.info'] = `Message`; locale['mobile.backgammon.board.aggree'] = `SONFIRM`; locale['mobile.backgammon.board.doubling'] = `DOUBLE`; locale['mobile.board.dominoes.exit'] = `EXIT GAME`; locale['mobile.board.dominoes.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['mobile.board.dominoes.balance'] = `Credits`; locale['mobile.board.dominoes.jackpot'] = `Jackpot`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.exit'] = `EXIT GAME`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['mobile.board.dominoes.boardnumber'] = `TABLE`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.score'] = `Point`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.balance'] = `Credits`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.gamenumber'] = `Table`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['mobile.bura.board.gamenumber'] = `Table`; locale['lobby.master.announced.tournaments'] = `SEKA TOURNAMENT`; locale['lobby.master.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Seka tournament starts in`; locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.backgammon'] = `NARDI`; locale['mobile.would.you.like.sound'] = `क्या आप ध्वनि चाहेंगे?`; locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.seka'] = `SEKA`; locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.bura'] = `BURA`; locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.dominoes'] = `DOMINO`; locale['mobile.bura.choose.trump.color'] = `To start game you have to guess trump color`; locale['mobile.board.dominoes.tile'] = `TILES`; locale['mobile.button.yes'] = `हाँ`; locale['mobile.button.no'] = `नहीं`; locale['seka.message.maintenance'] = `Maintenance has been scheduled.`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.choose'] = `Game type`; locale['unable.to.join.table.is.full'] = `Table is full`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.normal'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.hyper'] = `Hyper`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.hyper'] = `Hyper`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.standard'] = `Ordinary`; locale['game.type'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.long'] = `Longgammon`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.long'] = `Longgammon`; locale['WaitingPlayers'] = `Avialable`; locale['game.is.finished'] = `Game is finished`; locale['seka.tournament.loser'] = `You signed out from tournament`; locale['seka.message.blocked.client.kick'] = `You were kicked out from this table. Please try to play at another table.`; locale['error.client.is.blocked'] = `Connection can not be established`; locale['dominoes.board.game'] = `TABLE`; locale['mobile.board.backgammon.jackpot'] = `JACKPOT`; locale['mobile.seka.board.keyboard.accept'] = `YES`; locale['mobile.seka.board.keyboard.discard'] = `NO`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.registered.count'] = `Registered: `; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.player.count'] = `Playing:`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.current.initial.bet'] = `Initial bet:`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.current.stage'] = `Level:`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.game.count'] = `TABLE:`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.pause.time'] = `Break:`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.minute'] = `Minute`; locale['client.linked.another.player.in.this.game'] = `There\'s someone already playing with this IP. Try other table.`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.table.no'] = `Table #`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.players'] = `PLAYERS`; locale['minute'] = `Minutes`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.bets'] = `Chips`; locale['lobby.seka.tournament.information'] = `INFORMATION`; locale['db.error.not.enough.vippoints'] = `Not enough VIP points`; locale['boardgames.create.error.incorrect.amount'] = `Incorrect amount`; locale['lobby.bura.tabs.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.tabs.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.master.bura.announced.tournaments'] = `BURA TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.master.bura.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Bura tournament starts in`; locale['lobby.master.seka.announced.tournaments'] = `SEKA TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.master.seka.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Seka tournament starts in`; locale['lobby.master.dominoes.announced.tournaments'] = `DOMINO TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.master.dominoes.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Domino tournament starts in`; locale['lobby.master.backgammon.announced.tournaments'] = `BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.master.backgammon.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Backgammon tournament starts in`; locale['tournament.registration.invalid.state'] = `Registration is over`; locale['lobby.tournament.registered.count'] = `Registered: `; locale['lobby.tournament.player.count'] = `Playing:`; locale['lobby.tournament.pause.time'] = `Break:`; locale['lobby.tournament.current.stage'] = `Level:`; locale['tournament.board.score'] = `Points`; locale['tournament.board.minute'] = `Minuts`; locale['lobby.tournament.game.count'] = `Table:`; locale['lobby.tournament.players'] = `PLAYERS`; locale['lobby.tournament.current.score'] = `Points`; locale['lobby.tournament.table.no'] = `Table #`; locale['lobby.tournaments.active.player.other.game.list'] = `CURRENT TABLES`; locale['level.1'] = `Final`; locale['level.2'] = `1/2 Final`; locale['level.3'] = `1/4 Final`; locale['level.4'] = `1/8 Final`; locale['level.5'] = `1/16 Final`; locale['level.6'] = `1/32 Final`; locale['level.7'] = `1/64 Final`; locale['level.8'] = `1/128 Final`; locale['level.9'] = `1/256 Final`; locale['level.10'] = `1/512 Final`; locale['tournament.message.stage.win'] = `You win! Wait for next opponent.`; locale['lobby.tournaments.waiting.game.list'] = `Winner of this table is your next opponent`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.date'] = `DATE`; locale['tournament.special.registration.popup.header'] = `Tournament registration rule`; locale['tournament.special.registration.popup.text'] = `Winners of everyday paid tournaments will be automatically registered on "Final Tournament".
It is also possible to register directly after payment.
`; locale['special.tournament.already.registred'] = `PARTICIPATING`; locale['settings.game'] = `Game`; locale['settings.new.game'] = `New Table`; locale['settings.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['settings.play.till'] = `Points`; locale['settings.backgrounds'] = `Backgrounds`; locale['settings.sound'] = `Sound`; locale['settings.game.type'] = `Game type`; locale['settings.move.auto.confirm'] = `Autoconfirmation`; locale['settings.dice.auto.roll'] = `Autoroll`; locale['settings.full.reset'] = `Full reset`; locale['settings.save'] = `Save`; locale['settings.close'] = `Close`; locale['settings.tiles'] = `Tiles`; locale['seka.board.game.amount'] = `Play money`; locale['lobby.settings'] = `SETTINGS`; locale['seka.board.game.type.view'] = `Table view`; locale['game.board.background'] = `Backgrounds`; locale['settings.table.color'] = `Table color`; locale['lobby.avatar'] = `Avatar`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.standard'] = `Ordinary`; locale['live.filter'] = `Filter`; locale['lobby.setting.text'] = `OPEN PLAY TABLE WITH PREDEFINED SETTINGS. USING OPTIONS BELOW YOU CAN SET DESIRED BET AMOUNT, POINTS AND TYPE. YOU CAN ALSO CHOOSE TABLE BACKGROUND AND SWITCH SOUND ON OR OFF.`; locale['seka.game.type.no.9'] = `Without Faik`; locale['seka.game.type.ordinary'] = `Ordinary`; locale['seka.board.no-9'] = `Without Faik`; locale['seka.board.standart-game'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.seka.game.list.game.type'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.choose'] = `Game type`; locale['seka.board.initial.standart-game'] = `Ordinary`; locale['seka.board.initial.no-9'] = `Without Faik`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.normal'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.no.9'] = `Without Faik`; locale['seka.board.initial.shortbet'] = `BET `; locale['seka.board.game.type'] = `TYPE`; locale['seka.board.game.shortamount'] = `Max bet:`; locale['lobby.tournament.current.initial.bet'] = `BET `; locale['lobby.tournament.bets'] = `Chips`; locale['Payment.WithElectricPoket'] = `Via electronic purse`; locale['Payment.WithPlasticCard'] = `With a credit card`; locale['roulette.no.more.bet'] = `NO MORE BETS`; locale['roulette.board.pleace.your.bets'] = `PLACE YOUR BETS`; locale['roulette.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['roulette.board.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['roulette.board.username'] = `User`; locale['roulette.board.jeckpot'] = `Jackpot`; locale['roulette.board.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['roulette.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['roulette.board.statistic'] = `Statistics`; locale['roulette.board.wins'] = `Wins`; locale['roulette.board.bets'] = `Bet`; locale['roulette.board.history.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['roulette.board.history.bets'] = `Bet`; locale['roulette.board.history.wins'] = `Wins`; locale['roulette.board.online.users'] = `ONLINE`; locale['lobby.tournament.close'] = `CLOSE`; locale['lobby.tournament.info.title'] = `Message`; locale['tournament.registration.not.allowed'] = `Tournament registration is impossible`; locale['roulette.board.jackpot.rules'] = `Jackpot randomly falls on one of the active players who have a total bet per round of at lest 1 GEL. To win the jackpot, the user must be fully verified`; locale['roulette.board.jackpot.rules.title'] = `JACKPOT RULES`; locale['roulette.throw.jeckpot'] = `Jackpot has played out`; locale['roulette.you.win'] = `You win`; locale['roulette.board.top.number.history.title'] = `LAST 100 NUMBERS`; locale['roulette.pleace.your.bet'] = `PLACE YOU BETS`; locale['mobile.boardgame.blackjack'] = `Blackjack`; locale['lobby.blackjack.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['lobby.blackjack.game.list.initialbet'] = `BET`; locale['lobby.blackjack.game.list.game.type'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.blackjack.game.list.places'] = `PLACES`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.starndard'] = `VIP TABLE`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.multi.table'] = `STANDARD`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.bet'] = `BET`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.type'] = `TABLE TYPE`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.standard'] = `VIP TABLE`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.multi'] = `STANDARD`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.011'] = `0.10 GEL - 1.00 GEL`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.110'] = `1.00 GEL - 10.00 GEL`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.10100'] = `10.00 GEL - 100.00 GEL`; locale['lobby.standart'] = `STANDARD`; locale['lobby.multi.games'] = `MULTITABLE`; locale['blackjack.message.timeout.kick'] = `You are kicked from game because no action`; locale['blackjack.message.no.money.kick'] = `You are kicked from game because low balance`; locale['blackjack.vip.min.bet.error'] = `To create VIP table there must be at least {0} {1} bet`; locale['unable.to.create.more.then.4.games'] = `You can create up to 1 tables simultaneously`; locale['multigames.create.table'] = `Add Table`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.mode'] = `GAME MODE`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.mode'] = `GAME MODE`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.mode'] = `GAME MODE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.mode'] = `GAME MODE`; locale['blackjack.board.table'] = `TABLE`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.012'] = `{0} {1} - {2} {3}`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.120'] = `{0} {1} - {2} {3}`; locale['lobby.blackjack.filter.10200'] = `{0} {1} - {2} {3}`; locale['lobby.seka.new.game.max.player.count'] = `Max number of players`; locale['client.ipaddress.not.set'] = `Connection couldn\'t be established`; locale['client.verification.is.required'] = `If minimum bet is {0} or more, then you have to be verified`; locale['mobile.start.button.virtualbasketball'] = `Virt. Basketball`; locale['lobby.master.blackjack.announced.tournaments'] = `BLACKJACK TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.master.blackjack.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Blackjack tournament starts in`; locale['blackjack.tournament.main.round'] = `Current round`; locale['blackjack.move.to.additional.game'] = `Extra round`; locale['tournament.board.round'] = `Round`; locale['blackjack.tournament.additional.round'] = `Additional round`; locale['day.Monday'] = `Monday`; locale['day.Tuesday'] = `Tuesday`; locale['day.Wednesday'] = `Wednesday`; locale['tournament.registration.verification.is.required'] = `To register in the tournament you have to be fully verified`; locale['level.11'] = `1/1024 Final`; locale['slot.board.jackpot'] = `JACKPOT`; locale['slot.board.exit'] = `Exit game`; locale['slot.board.sound'] = `Sound`; locale['slot.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another device`; locale['site.keno.jackpot.title'] = `Jackpot`; locale['tournament.unregistration.invalid.state'] = `You can\'t cancel registration`; locale['level.12'] = `1/2048 Final`; locale['slot.board.deal.number'] = `Spin Number`; locale['wheeloflight.board.stacke'] = `Stake`; locale['wheeloflight.board.clear.all'] = `Clear All`; locale['wheeloflight.board.pays'] = `Pays`; locale['wheeloflight.board.red'] = `Red`; locale['wheeloflight.board.green'] = `Green`; locale['wheeloflight.board.blue'] = `Blue`; locale['wheeloflight.board.orange'] = `Orange`; locale['OtherlGames.WheelOfLigh'] = `WHEEL OF LIGHT`; locale['wheeloflight.board.low'] = `low`; locale['wheeloflight.board.high'] = `High`; locale['wheeloflight.board.even'] = `Even`; locale['wheeloflight.board.odd'] = `Odd`; locale['wheeloflight.board.won.text'] = `Won`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.bet.min.amount'] = `0.40`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.bet.max.amount'] = `500.00`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.bet.min.amount'] = `0.40`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.bet.max.amount'] = `500.00`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.bet.min.amount'] = `0.40`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.bet.max.amount'] = `500.00`; locale['wheeloflight.board.wheeloflight'] = `Wheel of light`; locale['wheeloflight.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['OtherlGames.HiLoSilver'] = `HI-LO SILVER`; locale['hilosilver.board.hilosilver'] = `HI-LO SILVER`; locale['hilosilver.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['hilosilver.board.stake'] = `Stake`; locale['hilosilver.board.ace_is_low'] = `Ace is low`; locale['hilosilver.board.odds'] = `Odds`; locale['hilosilver.board.return'] = `Return`; locale['hilosilver.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['hilosilver.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['hilosilver.board.close'] = `Close`; locale['hilosilver.board.help_text'] = `To begin, submit a starting stake. 19 cards are displayed face down, on the right hand side. The Start Card is displayed face up. Each new game starts with 20 cards randomly selected from a normal deck of 52 cards. By clicking the selection buttons, you `; locale['hilosilver.board.bank'] = `Bank`; locale['min.bet.error'] = `UP TO THE MIN BET LIMIT`; locale['wheeloflight.board.help.text'] = `AIM OF THE GAME Wheel of Light is a roulette-style game. The aim is to correctly predict the number that the pointer will stop on at the end of a spin. Bets range from predicting the exact number, a spread of numbers or whether the number will be odd or`; locale['wheeloflight.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['wheeloflight.board.close'] = `Close`; locale['hilo.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['hilo.board.hilo'] = `HI-LO`; locale['wheeloflight.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['wheeloflight.board.stake'] = `Stake`; locale['tournament.registration.not.started.popup.header'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['tournament.registration.not.started.popup.text'] = `The registration will begin 2 hour before the tournament starts`; locale['animationroulette.board.animationroulette'] = `Personal Roulette`; locale['OtherGames.animation.roulette'] = `Personal Roulette`; locale['animationroulette.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['animationroulette.board.win'] = `WIN`; locale['animationroulette.board.bet'] = `BET`; locale['animationroulette.board.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['animationroulette.board.history'] = `HISTORY`; locale['animationroulette.board.last10'] = `LAST 5`; locale['animationroulette.board.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['animationroulette.board.history.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['animationroulette.board.history.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['animationroulette.board.history.win'] = `Win`; locale['animationroulette.board.history.date'] = `DATE`; locale['error.roulette.not.enough.money'] = `Not enough money!`; locale['roulette.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another device`; locale['tournament.client.is.blocked'] = `Registration unsuccessful`; locale['lobby.master.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['tournament.max.player.count.exceeded'] = `Tournament is full`; locale['ChuckALuck.Big.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.Big.ToolTipTop'] = `High (11-18)`; locale['ChuckALuck.Small.ToolTipTop'] = `Low (3-10)`; locale['ChuckALuck.Small.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.Even.ToolTipTop'] = `Even`; locale['ChuckALuck.Even.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout 1:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.Field.ToolTipTop'] = `Field 5-8 or 13-16`; locale['ChuckALuck.Field.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout 1:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet1.ToolTipTop'] = `Number 1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet1.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1. 1:1 2.2:1 3.3:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet2.ToolTipTop'] = `Number 2`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet2.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1. 1:1 2. 2:1 3. 3:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet3.ToolTipTop'] = `Number 3`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet3.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1. 1:1 2. 2:1 3. 3:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet4.ToolTipTop'] = `Number 4`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet4.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1. 1:1 2. 2:1 3. 3:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet5.ToolTipTop'] = `Number 5`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet5.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1.1:1 2. 2:1 3. 3:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet6.ToolTipTop'] = `Number 6`; locale['ChuckALuck.SingleDiceBet6.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout: 1.1:1 2. 2:1 3. 3:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.Odd.ToolTipTop'] = `Odd`; locale['ChuckALuck.Odd.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout 1:1`; locale['ChuckALuck.AnyTriple.ToolTipTop'] = `Any triple`; locale['ChuckALuck.AnyTriple.ToolTipBottom'] = `Payout 30:1`; locale['max.bet.error'] = `UP TO THE MAX BET LIMIT`; locale['lucky.coin.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another computer`; locale['sicbo.board.sicbo'] = `Sic Bo`; locale['sicbo.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['sicbo.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another computer`; locale['multiplayergames.button.Close'] = `CLOSE`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.your.move'] = `Your move`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Wait for Opponent!`; locale['multiplayergames.button.Reject'] = `Reject`; locale['multiplayergames.button.Accept'] = `Accept`; locale['penaltyshootout.board.penaltyshootout'] = `PENALTY SHOOTOUT`; locale['penaltyshootout.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['penaltyshootout.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Do you want to quit?`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.wait.for.opponent.game.start'] = `Waiting the game to strat`; locale['lobby.master.create.game'] = `CREATE GAME`; locale['lobby.master.open.game'] = `CREATE GAME`; locale['joining.game'] = `Player`; locale['japanesejoker.message.opponent.turn'] = `opponent turn`; locale['japanesejoker.message.your.turn'] = `Your move`; locale['JapaneseJoker.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`; locale['japanesejoker.with.two.black.cards'] = `Cards`; locale['JapaneseJoker.japanesejoker.with.two.black.cards.False'] = `36`; locale['JapaneseJoker.japanesejoker.with.two.black.cards.True'] = `38`; locale['japanesejoker.message.deal.start.win'] = `You start the game`; locale['japanesejoker.message.deal.start.lose'] = `Opponent starts`; locale['japanesejoker.board.club'] = `Club`; locale['japanesejoker.board.diamond'] = `Diamond`; locale['japanesejoker.board.spade'] = `Spades`; locale['japanesejoker.board.heart'] = `Hearts`; locale['multiplayergames.button.Rematch'] = `Accept`; locale['multiplayergames.button.offer'] = `Choose`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.wait.for.game.start'] = `Make your choice`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.opponent.won.coin.flipping'] = `Opponent chooses`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.player.won.coin.flipping'] = `You choose`; locale['multiplayergames.button.new.offer'] = `New offer`; locale['multiplayergames.button.accept.offer'] = `Approve`; locale['lobby.master.PenaltyShootout.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Penalties tournament starts in`; locale['lobby.master.PenaltyShootout.announced.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.choose.defence.target'] = `You are parrying`; locale['penaltyshootout.message.choose.kick.target'] = `You are punching`; locale['japanesejoker.choose.wrong.card'] = `Use card with corresponding color`; locale['japanesejoker.choose.wrong.first.card'] = `First move must be "from hand"`; locale['japanesejoker.message.wait.oponent.for.choose.trump'] = `Please wait while opponent choose the trump`; locale['JapaneseJoker.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.

Exit anyway?`; locale['penaltyshootout.player.leave.question'] = ` If you exit you lose. Exit anyway?`; locale['lobby.master.JapaneseJoker.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Joker tournament starts in`; locale['JapaneseJoker.lobby.master.game.help.text'] = `Japanese Joker is the variety of Joker game, which is played by two players. After logging into the website go to “GAMES” page and choose “Japanese Joker”. The “Lobby” of the game will appear on screen. Here you can create new game with 0.40 to 50 GEL bet`; locale['lobby.master.game.help'] = ` Rules`; locale['lobby.master.JapaneseJoker.announced.tournaments'] = `JOKER TOURNAMENTS`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.new.game.38cards'] = `38 Cards`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.new.game.36cards'] = `36 Cards`; locale['PenaltyShootout.lobby.master.game.help.text'] = `At the beginning player must create new game or join existing game. When creating new game player can choose bet amount (min. 0.40 GEL, max. 50 GEL) and points (1, 2, 3). According to coin flip, computer will decide which player is to shoot to gates first`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.new.game.bet'] = `Choose amount`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.game.till'] = `POINT`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.game.type'] = `CARDS`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.till.11'] = `11`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.till.21'] = `21`; locale['japanesejoker.board.japanesejoker'] = `Japanese Joker`; locale['japanesejoker.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.without.another.two.cards'] = `36`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.with.another.two.cards'] = `38`; locale['japanesejoker.board.background'] = `BACKGROUND`; locale['japanesejoker.board.bet'] = `BET`; locale['japanesejoker.board.point'] = `POINT`; locale['japanesejoker.board.cards'] = `CARDS`; locale['japanesejoker.message.choose.trump'] = `CHOOSE TRUMP`; locale['japanesejoker.board.tournament.current.stage'] = `Level`; locale['japanesejoker.board.empty'] = `No trump`; locale['japanesejoker.board.tournament.game.count'] = `Table`; locale['japanesejoker.board.tournament.player.count'] = `Playing`; locale['japanesejoker.board.tournament.registered.count'] = `Registered: `; locale['penaltyshootout.board.tournament.registered.count'] = `Registered: `; locale['penaltyshootout.board.tournament.player.count'] = `Playing`; locale['penaltyshootout.board.tournament.current.stage'] = `Level`; locale['penaltyshootout.board.tournament.game.count'] = `TABLE`; locale['lobby.master.history'] = `History`; locale['lobby.master.rules'] = `Rules`; locale['lobby.tournament.info'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['lobby.tournament.current.player.stage'] = `STAGE`; locale['lobby.tournament.general.info'] = `INFO`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.winning.score'] = `POINTS`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.amount.doubling.no'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.total.amount'] = `GAME MONEY `; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.amount.doubling.yes'] = `Game doubling`; locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.score'] = `POINTS`; locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.game.amount.doubling'] = `GAME DOUBLING`; locale['dominoes.winning.score'] = `POINTS`; locale['max.game.amount.doubling'] = `GAME MONEY `; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.doubling.1'] = `Double the hand`; locale['boardgames.message.game.amount.doubling.offer.request'] = `{0} the hand has been requested, your answer...`; locale['boardgames.message.game.amount.doubling.offer.waiting'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.doubling.2'] = `Triple the hand`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.doubling.3'] = `Quadruple the hand`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.doubling.4'] = `Quintuple the hand`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.doubling.5'] = `Sextuple the hand`; locale['slots.board.donuts'] = `DONUTS`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.ReDouble.2'] = `Triple`; locale['message.game.doubling.2'] = `Hand\'s doubled`; locale['message.game.doubling.3'] = `Hand\'s tripled`; locale['message.game.doubling.4'] = `Hand\'s quadrupled`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.ReDouble.5'] = `Sextuple`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.ReDouble.3'] = `Quadruple`; locale['message.game.doubling.5'] = `Hand\'s quintupled`; locale['boardgames.button.game.amount.ReDouble.4'] = `Quintuple`; locale['message.game.doubling.6'] = `Hand\'s sextupled`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.maxgameamountdoubling'] = `Hand\'s doubling`; locale['doubling.1'] = `---`; locale['boardgames.message.player.rejected.game.amount.doubling.offer'] = `You rejected hand\'s {1} offer, opponent win {0} point`; locale['boardgames.message.opponent.rejected.game.amount.doubling.offer'] = `Opponent rejected hand\'s {1} offer, you win {0} point`; locale['dominoes.game.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['dominoes.dominoes.winning.score'] = `Point`; locale['dominoes.play.till'] = `Hands`; locale['dominoes.max.game.amount.doubling'] = `Game amount`; locale['backgammon.game.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['backgammon.play.till'] = `Points`; locale['backgammon.game.type'] = `GAME TYPE`; locale['bura.game.amount'] = `AMOUNT`; locale['bura.play.till'] = `POINTS`; locale['bura.allow.turn.override'] = `MALUTKA`; locale['bura.is.long.style.game'] = `GAME TYPE`; locale['luckydouble.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['luckydouble.board.luckydouble'] = `SCRATCH AND WIN`; locale['OtherlGames.LuckyDouble'] = `SCRATCH AND WIN`; locale['luckydouble.board.help'] = `RULES`; locale['scratch.tools'] = `SCRATCH TOOLS`; locale['scratch.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['scratch.initial.bet'] = `CHOOSE INITIAL BET`; locale['scratch.it'] = `SCRATCH`; locale['scratch.won.text'] = `WIN`; locale['message.dominoes.player.abandon'] = `If you exit you lose. Exit anyway?`; locale['message.dominoes.opponent.abandoned.single.game'] = `Opponent gave up current hand. You won {0} points.`; locale['luckyseven.board.luckyseven'] = `LUCKY SEVEN`; locale['luckyseven.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['luckyseven.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['LuckySeven.Won'] = `WIN`; locale['LuckySeven.Balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['LuckySeven.SelectYourBet'] = `CHOOSE YOUR BET`; locale['LuckySeven.Play'] = `PLAY`; locale['LuckySeven.Rule'] = `CHOOSE 16 CELLS, FIND FIVE OR MORE "7" AND WIN UP TO {0} `; locale['LuckySeven.Find'] = `FIND`; locale['LuckySeven.ToWin'] = `TO WIN`; locale['LuckySeven.FastChoise'] = `REVEAL ALL`; locale['LuckySeven.Congratulations'] = `CONGRATULATIONS!`; locale['LuckySeven.YouWin'] = `YOU WIN`; locale['othergames.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another computer`; locale['LuckySeven.Selected'] = `SELECTED`; locale['luckyseven.board.message'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.mobile.till'] = `Point {0} / Hand {1}`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.mobile.till.label'] = `Points/hand`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.amount.doubling.label'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.amount.doubling.prefix'] = `{0} of the hand`; locale['luckydouble.board.message'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['message.observer.timeout.win'] = `Player has run out of time`; locale['bonusroulette.board.bonusroulette'] = `Bonus Roulette`; locale['bonusroulette.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.history'] = `History`; locale['bonusroulette.board.history.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['bonusroulette.board.history.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['bonusroulette.board.history.win'] = `Win`; locale['bonusroulette.board.history.date'] = `DATE`; locale['bonusroulette.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['bonusroulette.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['error.invalid.roulette.bet'] = `Invalid bet`; locale['bonusroulette.board.help.text'] = `Main difference of Bonus Roulette from standard roulette is bonus round. You can play the Bonus Round after any win on the roulette table, with the amount won as the bet. To play the Bonus Round click the BONUS button to spin the Bonus wheel. Depending on what position the wheel stops, your win may double, triple, half, stay unchanged or become nulled. If you do not wish to play the Bonus round, click the COLLECT button to return to the roulette table. Once you click the COLLECT button, the winnings are added to your balance. Bonus round statistic is displayed on the right hand of the wheel. Percent of HALF, LOSE, X1, X2 and X3 will change after each spin. Below the statistic you can view: Win – your win in Bonus Round Initial win – your win on roulette table Bet – bet amount made on previous spin.`; locale['bonusroulette.board.instructions'] = `INSTRUCTIONS`; locale['bonusroulette.board.history.short'] = `HISTORY`; locale['bonusroulette.board.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['bonusroulette.board.bet'] = `BET`; locale['bonusroulette.board.win'] = `WIN`; locale['bonusroulette.board.last5'] = `LAST 5`; locale['bonusroulette.board.statistic'] = `STATISTIC`; locale['bonusroulette.board.result'] = `RESULT`; locale['bonusroulette.board.start.win'] = `Initial win`; locale['bonusroulette.board.instructions.text'] = `Spin the BONUS roulette\n and get the chance to\n triple your win!`; locale['OtherGames.BonusRoulette'] = `BONUS ROULETTE`; locale['bonusroulette.YouWin'] = `YOU WON`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.amount.doubling.no'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.amount.doubling.yes'] = `Game doubling`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.total.amount'] = `GAME MONEY `; locale['lobby.bura.game.list.game.amount.doubling'] = `GAME DOUBLING`; locale['bura.max.game.amount.doubling'] = `GAME MONEY `; locale['backgammon.max.game.amount.doubling'] = `GAME MONEY `; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.game.amount.doubling'] = `GAME DBL.`; locale['settings.option'] = `OPTIONS`; locale['settings.tiles.auto.numbering'] = `AUTOCOUNT TILES`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.amount.doubling.no'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.amount.doubling.yes'] = `Game doubling`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.total.amount'] = `GAME MONEY `; locale['settings.game.till'] = `HANDS`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.maxgameamountdoubling'] = `Game doubling`; locale['settings.points.auto.numbering'] = `AUTOCOUNT POINTS`; locale['delay.for.event.view.Doubling.Rejected'] = `Doubling offer has been rejected`; locale['delay.for.event.view.Bura'] = `Opponent win with Bura`; locale['player.join.accept'] = `Player has joined the game`; locale['waiting.for.game.start'] = `Waiting for game to start`; locale['doubling.offered'] = `Doubling offered`; locale['doubling.offer'] = `Doubling offered`; locale['dominoes.board.abandon'] = `GIVE UP`; locale['dominoes.board.doubling'] = `DOUBLE`; locale['dominoes.board.arrangement'] = `ARRANGE`; locale['dominoes.board.options'] = `OPTIONS`; locale['dominoes.board.till'] = `Hand`; locale['dominoes.board.amount.doubling.offer'] = `GAME DOUBLING OFFER `; locale['dominoes.board.auto.tile.count'] = `AUTOCOUNT TILES`; locale['dominoes.board.auto.score.calc'] = `AUTOCOUNT POINTS`; locale['mobile.start.button.othergames'] = `GAMES`; locale['seka.board.topup'] = `DEPOSIT MONEY`; locale['seka.board.available.balance'] = `AVAILABLE SUM`; locale['seka.board.min.balance'] = `MIN. SUM`; locale['seka.board.select.amount'] = `SELECT SUM`; locale['seka.board.close'] = `CLOSE`; locale['slots.board.lotslot'] = `LOTSLOT`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.amount.doubling.prefix'] = `{0} the game`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.amount.doubling.label'] = `DOUBLE THE HAND/GAME`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.amount.doubling.label'] = `DOUBLE THE HAND/GAME`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.amount.doubling.prefix'] = `{0} the game`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.win'] = `Win`; locale['othergamesslots.board.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['othergamesslots.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['bingo.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['bingo.board.play'] = `PLAY`; locale['bingo.board.win'] = `WIN`; locale['bingo.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['bingo.board.choose.bet'] = `CHOOSE YOUR BET`; locale['bingo.board.bingo'] = `SLOT BINGO`; locale['bingo.board.ticket.count'] = `TICKETS`; locale['bingo.board.congratulations'] = `CONGRATULATIONS!`; locale['bingo.board.youwin'] = `YOU WIN`; locale['bingo.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['bingo.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['message.form.compose.sent'] = `SUBMIT`; locale['message.form.compose.title.geo'] = `Subject`; locale['message.form.compose.text'] = `Message`; locale['scratch.choose.bet'] = `CHOOSE INITIAL BET`; locale['animationroulette.board.last'] = `LAST`; locale['animationroulette.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['animationroulette.mobile.board.history'] = `HISTORY`; locale['animationroulette.mobile.board.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['animationroulette.mobile.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['scratch.mobile.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['scratch.mobile.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['scratch.mobile.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['wheeloflight.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['wheeloflight.mobile.board.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['wheeloflight.mobile.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['bonusroulette.mobile.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['LuckySeven.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['LuckySeven.mobile.board.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['LuckySeven.mobile.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['wl.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another computer`; locale['bonusroulette.board.history'] = `HISTORY`; locale['mobile.start.button.virtualsports'] = `Virtual Sport`; locale['mobile.start.button.slots'] = `Slots`; locale['leave.game'] = `LEAVE THE GAME`; locale['player.join.canceled'] = `PLAYER LEFT THE GAME`; locale['slots.board.luckyhunter'] = `LUCKY HUNTER`; locale['MiniGames.history'] = `History`; locale['MiniGames.stake'] = `Stake`; locale['MiniGames.board.win'] = `Win`; locale['MiniGames.date'] = `Date`; locale['MiniGames.help'] = `Rules`; locale['ChuckALuck.help_text'] = `CHUCK A LUCK is a unique classic table game. There are 3 ordinary dices used in game. Player has to choose the chip and make bet. The type of bets are: HIGH – player wins if sum of dices will be more than 10. Odds 1:1. Min stake 0.10 GEL, max bet 30 GE`; locale['MiniPenalties.current.balance'] = `Current Balance:`; locale['MiniPenalties.scored.balls'] = `Goals scored:`; locale['MiniPenalties.balance'] = `Balance:`; locale['MiniPenalties.chose.stake.to.start.part1'] = `To start playing`; locale['MiniPenalties.chose.stake.to.start.part2'] = `choose bet amount`; locale['MiniPenalties.restart.part1'] = `Start`; locale['MiniPenalties.restart.part2'] = `over`; locale['LuckyCoin.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['LuckyCoin.bank'] = `bank`; locale['LuckyCoin.chose.team.part1'] = `chose`; locale['LuckyCoin.chose.team.part2'] = `team`; locale['sicbo.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['ChuckALuck.balance'] = `Bal:`; locale['MiniRoulette.balance'] = `Bal:`; locale['MiniPenalties.help_text'] = `The main purpose of game is to score the goal in opponent’s gate. Player has three try. If player will score the goal twice out of three try he/she wins. Odds are 1:1. Min stake 0.10 GEL and max – 30.00 GEL.
Example: your bet is 1 GEL and you score `; locale['LuckyCoin.help_text'] = `lucky coin – player has to guess which team will kick off. There are logos of two teams on the screen and two soccer player with appropriate suits. After player choose stake amount and desired team, referee will throw the coin with the teams’ logos on it.`; locale['MiniRoulette.help_text'] = `Mini Roulette, the wheel has total 13 pocket slots which include a single zero. When your ball lands on a zero in Mini Roulette, as per the Mini Roulette rules you get back half of your bet money. Apart from the most common straight bet, other bets to be`; locale['jokerpoker.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['jokerpoker.board.jokerpoker'] = `JOKER POKER`; locale['jokerpoker.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['roulette.board.spin.history.title'] = `HISTORY`; locale['jokerpoker.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['Monkey.help_text'] = `Crazy monkey is a 3-wheel slot game. There are various buttons in the lower part of display. Buttons to choose stake, to start the game and to double the game. There are buttons to choose lines also. Player can see balance as credits above the wheels. Pla`; locale['jokerpoker.board.help.text'] = `Joker Poker is a casino game with poker cards based on the design of machines which are similar to Slots. The player receives 5 cards and can hold the ones he/she wants to hit a second round of cards and try to get the typical Poker combinations. Aim of t`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.zodiacscratch'] = `Zodiac`; locale['gambling.board.connection.lost'] = `Connection lost`; locale['othergames.zodiacscratch'] = `Zodiac`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['Monkey.credit'] = `CRE:`; locale['Monkey.bet'] = `BET:`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.win'] = `WIN`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.stake'] = `Bet`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.coeficient'] = `Odds`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.play'] = `play`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.scratch_all'] = `scratch all`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.win-message.1'] = `Well done!`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.win-message.2'] = `you win`; locale['seka.board.cancel'] = `CANCEL`; locale['seka.board.raise'] = `RAISE`; locale['slots.board.happydiver'] = `Happy Diver`; locale['tripleseven.board.tripleseven'] = `Triple Seven`; locale['tripleseven.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['tripleseven.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['tripleseven.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.speed'] = `PACE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.speed'] = `PACE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.speed.normal'] = `Ordinary`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.speed.fast'] = `Fast`; locale['backgammon.backgammon.is.blitz.game'] = `Pace`; locale['backgammon.backgammon.is.blitz.game.True'] = `Fast`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.doubling'] = `Doubling`; locale['backgammon.backgammon.is.blitz.game.False'] = `Normal`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.normal'] = `STANDARD`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.bonus'] = `BONUS`; locale['lobby.backgammon.mobile.game.list.type.standard'] = `Stand.`; locale['lobby.backgammon.mobile.game.list.type.long'] = `Long.`; locale['lobby.backgammon.mobile.game.list.type.hyper'] = `Hyper`; locale['backgammon.is.blitz.game'] = `Pace`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.type'] = `TYPE`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.standard'] = `Ordin.`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.hiper'] = `Hyper`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.long'] = `Longgammon`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.lucky'] = `LUCKY`; locale['lobby.blackjack.game.list.game.kind'] = `KIND`; locale['slots.board.luckyfisher'] = `LUCKY FISHER`; locale['Site.BalanceTypeSingle'] = `United Balance`; locale['Site.BalanceTypeMulti'] = `Multi-balance`; locale['lobby.blackjack.new.game.table.type'] = `GAME TYPE`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.maxgameamountdoubling'] = `Hand\'s doubling`; locale['player.join.exeption.invalid.game.state'] = `Table is full`; locale['sweetcandy.board.sweetcandy'] = `SWEET CANDY`; locale['sweetcandy.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['sweetcandy.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['sweetcandy.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['sweetcandy.board.help.text'] = `Sweet Candy - is a video slot game where the player\'s goal is to put the candy on the screen so that the 3 or more candies of identical colours will be put together either in a horizontal or vertical way. After any successful combination the candy and `; locale['sweetcandy.board.youwin'] = `You win`; locale['sweetcandy.board.congratulations'] = `CONGRATULATIONS!`; locale['bet.value.more.then.allowed'] = `Bet value is more then allowed`; locale['SweetCandy.bad.move'] = `Wrong move`; locale['sweetcandy.board.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['sweetcandy.board.bet'] = `BET`; locale['sweetcandy.board.start'] = `START`; locale['sweetcandy.board.win'] = `WIN`; locale['sweetcandy.board.score'] = `SCORE`; locale['keno.board.User'] = `User`; locale['keno.board.Balance'] = `Balance`; locale['keno.board.SpinNumber'] = `Round`; locale['keno.board.HotNumbers'] = `Hot Numbers`; locale['keno.board.ColdNumbers'] = `Cold Numbers`; locale['keno.ticket.Standard'] = `Classic`; locale['keno.ticket.LastNumber'] = `Last`; locale['keno.board.ChooseNumbers'] = `Select 1-10 numbers`; locale['keno.board.RandomChoose'] = `RANDOM select`; locale['keno.board.PlaceBet'] = `Bet`; locale['keno.board.MyTickets'] = `My tickets`; locale['keno.board.SpinHistory'] = `History`; locale['keno.board.Ticket'] = `Ticket`; locale['keno.board.Category'] = `Category`; locale['keno.board.Bet'] = `Bet`; locale['keno.board.Coefficient'] = `Coe`; locale['keno.board.Win'] = `Win`; locale['keno.board.Status'] = `Status`; locale['keno.board.Numbers'] = `Numbers`; locale['keno.board.WinTable'] = `Win table`; locale['keno.board.PossibleWin'] = `Pos. win`; locale['keno.board.NumberMatch'] = `Cons.`; locale['keno.board.SelectedNumbers'] = `Selected Numbers`; locale['keno.popup.message'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['keno.ticket.Lose'] = `Loss`; locale['keno.ticket.Win'] = `Win`; locale['keno.board.LastNumber'] = `Last Ball`; locale['keno.board.Standard'] = `Keno`; locale['error.keno.not.enough.money'] = `Not enough money on your account`; locale['keno.button.Accept'] = `Exit`; locale['keno.board.JackpotInfo'] = `Jackpot is played out randomly on a computer generated time. In other words, jackpot doesn\'t depend on player\'s action. Sum of jackpot will be distributed proportionately between those players which had at least {0} {1} bet at the moment.`; locale['Keno.Betting'] = `BET ARE RECEIVING`; locale['Keno.Spinning'] = `NO MORE BETS`; locale['keno.board.Start'] = `Start`; locale['russiankeno.jackpot.head'] = `Rules of winning Jackpot`; locale['russiankeno.jackpot.info'] = `Джекпот разыгрывается по принципу случайного выбора в сгенерированного компьютером время. Другими словами, джекпот не зависит от конкретных действии игрока. Сумма джекпота будет распределена пропорционально между теми игроками, которые имели, по крайней`; locale['error.keno.no.more.bet'] = `No more bets`; locale['russiankeno.Betting'] = `Bets are receiving`; locale['russiankeno.Spinning'] = `No more bets`; locale['russiankeno.error.keno.not.enough.money'] = `You don\'t have enough money`; locale['russiankeno.button.Accept'] = `EXIT`; locale['russiankeno.board.games.token.has.been.terminated'] = `User has logged in from another computer`; locale['russiankeno.Finished'] = `Payout winnings`; locale['keno.board.Bet.Button'] = `Bet`; locale['vip.keno.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another device {0}.`; locale['keno.board.Start.BeforeBet'] = `To start playing please make a bet`; locale['boardgame.bura'] = `BURA`; locale['boardgame.seka'] = `SEKA`; locale['boardgame.dominoes'] = `DOMINO`; locale['boardgame.blackjack'] = `BLACKJACK`; locale['boardgame.backgammon'] = `BACKGAMMON`; locale['slots.board.funfruit'] = `FUN FRUIT`; locale['MiniScratchAndWin.choose'] = `Choose`; locale['MiniScratchAndWin.choose.coin'] = `Coin`; locale['MiniScratchAndWin.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['MiniScratchAndWin.choose.bet'] = `Choose Bet:`; locale['MiniScratchAndWin.you.win'] = `You Won`; locale['Monkey.win'] = `WIN`; locale['slot..token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another device {0}.`; locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.amount.doubling'] = `DOUBLE`; locale['lobby.bura.new.game.amount.doubling'] = `DOUBLE`; locale['lobby.master.popup.status'] = `STATUS`; locale['dominoes.lose.single.game'] = `You Lost`; locale['dominoes.win.single.game'] = `YOU WIN`; locale['boardgame.japanesejoker'] = `JAP. JOKER`; locale['slots.board.fruitbar'] = `FRUIT BAR`; locale['lobby.JapaneseJoker.new.game.bet.max.amount'] = `500.00`; locale['japanesejoker.board.amount'] = `Amount`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.filter.min.amount'] = `FROM:`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.filter.max.amount'] = `TO:`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.new.game.bet.min.amount'] = `0.40`; locale['JapaneseJoker.japanesejoker.with.two.black.cards'] = `CARDS:`; locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.japanesejoker'] = `JAPANESE JOKER`; locale['JapaneseJoker.game.amount'] = `AMOUNT`; locale['JapaneseJoker.play.till'] = `POINTS`; locale['JapaneseJoker.japanesejoker.with.two.back.cards'] = `CARD`; locale['russiankeno.board.connection.lost'] = `Connection lost`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.till.1'] = `1`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.till.3'] = `3`; locale['lobby.japanesejoker.till.7'] = `7`; locale['rolandgarros.header.info'] = `Visit the Roland Garros final in Paris`; locale['rolandgarros'] = `Roland Garros`; locale['settings.game.numberofcards'] = `cards`; locale['japanesejoker.choose.trump'] = `CHOOSE TRUMP`; locale['japanesejoker.choose.start.player'] = `Who start the game`; locale['roulette.board.info.game.rules.title'] = `के नियम`; locale['roulette.board.info.game.toolbar.title'] = `GAME TOOLBAR`; locale['roulette.board.info.limit.title'] = `LIMITS`; locale['roulette.board.top.number.history.head'] = `Select number to view your history`; locale['roulette.board.info.title'] = `INFO`; locale['roulette.board.history'] = `History`; locale['roulette.board.choose.bet'] = `Choose bet`; locale['tournament.message.win.bounty'] = `Congratulations, you took {0} place. You have won {1} Gel. Amount is transferred to your account. You have also won bounty {2} Gel`; locale['tournament.message.win.zerobounty'] = `Congratulations, you took {0} place. You have won {1} Gel. Amount is transferred to your account. You have not won a bounty`; locale['tournament.message.loser.bounty'] = `You have ended the tournament, but you have won {0} bounty`; locale['tournament.message.loser.zerobounty'] = `You have ended the tournament and have not won bounty`; locale['seka.tournament.board.registration.vippoints'] = `REGISTRATION VIP POINTS`; locale['seka.tournament.list.registration.vippoints'] = `VIP`; locale['seka.tournament.list.registration.cash'] = `CASH`; locale['seka.tournament.board.bounty.amount'] = `BOUNTY COST`; locale['lobby.master.popup.current.vippoints'] = `Current VIP points:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.next.level.statuspoints'] = `Points needed for next status:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.keep.status.level'] = `To keep status:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.collected.points'] = `Points accumulated:`; locale['lobby.master.popup.text.vippoints'] = `VIP POINTS`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakeback.system'] = `RAKEBACK`; locale['roulette.board.statistics.title'] = `Statistic`; locale['slots.board.carsslot'] = `CAR SLOT`; locale['lobby.master.tournament.history'] = `TOURNAMENTS `; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.id'] = `TOURNAMENT ID`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.date'] = `DATE`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.title'] = `TITLE`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.membership'] = `BUY-IN`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.bounty'] = `BOUNTY`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.position'] = `POSITION`; locale['lobby.game.history.header.tournament.prize'] = `PRIZE`; locale['honeyworld.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['honeyworld.board.honeyworld'] = `Honey World`; locale['honeyworld.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['honeyworld.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['honeyworld.scratch'] = `Scratch`; locale['honeyworld.balance'] = `BALANCE`; locale['honeyworld.choose.bet'] = `Choose Bet Amount`; locale['honeyworld.start'] = `Start`; locale['honeyworld.you.win'] = `You Win`; locale['slots.board.dota'] = `DOTA`; locale['aaa1'] = `
`; locale['roulette.client.balance.text'] = `BALANCE`; locale['slots.client.balance.text'] = `BALANCE`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakebacktext'] = ` Bronze - 10% rakeback (10 status-points for every 1 GEL)
Silv`; locale['honeyworld.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['honeyworld.mobile.board.sound'] = `sound`; locale['honeyworld.mobile.board.exit'] = `exit`; locale['lobby.master.player.vippoint'] = `VIP POINTS`; locale['russianpoker.board.russianpoker'] = `RUSSIAN POKER`; locale['russianpoker.ante.is.clear'] = `Ante is clear`; locale['russianpoker.max.bonus'] = `Maximum Bonus amoint is 2₾.`; locale['russianpoker.position.insurance.limit'] = `Insurace maximum amount is maximum win amount on BET.`; locale['russianpoker.change.dealer.card.question'] = `Want to change dealer card?`; locale['russianpoker.change.dealer.card.no'] = `No`; locale['russianpoker.change.dealer.card.yes'] = `Yes`; locale['russianpoker.position.ante.clear.bonus'] = `Bonus bet is not empty`; locale['russianpoker.position.ante.clear'] = `Bonus bet is not empty,`; locale['russianpoker.blind.bid.error'] = `Place bets at firtst two tables.`; locale['russianpoker.popup.header.text'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['russianpoker.popup.button.text'] = `Close`; locale['russianpoker.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['slots.board.cityslot'] = `City Slot`; locale['russianpoker.help.text'] = ` რუსული პოკერი პოპულარული თამაშია. რუსულ პოკერს თამაშობენ 52 კარტიანი კალოდით ჯოკრების გარეშე , დილერის წინააღმდეგ. როგორც პოკერის სხვა სახეობაში რუსულ პოკერშიც მოთამაშის მიზანია შეადგინოს 5 კარტისგან კომბინაცია. იგებს ის ვინც უფრო მაღალ კომბინაციას შეადგენს. მოთამაშეს შეუძლია დაირიგოს კარტი სამ პოზიციაზე, იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ სამივე პოზიციაზე შესაბამის ფსონებს განათავსებს. მოთამაშეს მესამე პოზიციაზე არ ეძლევა საშუალება დაიმატოს, შეცვალოს , ან დაათვალიეროს კარტი (მესამე პოზიციაზე კარტები დამალულია), აღნიშნულ პოზიციაზე ბეთი კეთდება ავტომატურად ანტეს დადებასთან ერთად`; locale['russianpoker.help.header'] = `RULES`; locale['russianpoker.help.header.1'] = `Description`; locale['russianpoker.help.text.1'] = `Russian poker is a popular game. Russian poker is played with 52 cards without jokers, against the dealer. As in other poker types, also here, in the Russian poker, the player’s aim is to make a combination of 5 cards. The one who makes the higher combina`; locale['russianpoker.help.header.2'] = `Basic Rules`; locale['russianpoker.help.text.2.1'] = `The player should place the necessary bet (ante) (0,10 –100 GEL) before every deal, after which the dealer passes 5 closed cards to the player and 5 cards to the dealer, where the dealer’s first card is open. Hence, the player has more information. Af`; locale['russianpoker.help.text.2.2'] = `The main distinguishing sign of the Russian Poker is, that the player can collect two combinations at the same time and according to the rules, and the payment of the winnings are performed on the both combinations regarding the table.
The player get`; locale['russianpoker.help.header.3'] = ` Insurance`; locale['russianpoker.help.header.4'] = `Additional bet or the bonus game `; locale['russianpoker.help.text.3'] = `If the player collected the combination “Set” or the higher, he can insure his cards from the dealer’s no-game. For this the player should make the bet on the insuring position before opening the cards.
The insurance range consists of the minimal bet,`; locale['russianpoker.help.text.4'] = `The player can place an additional bet on the bonus before dealing the cards, . It can comprise from 0,1 GEL to 2 GEL. The player wins if he collects the following combination

`; locale['dragrace.board.dragrace'] = `DRAGRACE`; locale['dragrace.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['dragrace.board.help.text'] = `Drag Race - არის ახალი ვირტუალური თამაში, სადაც ერთმანეთს ეჯიბრება 6 სპორტული ავტომობილი. თამაში სრულდება მას შემდეგ რაც ერთ-ერთი ავტომობილი გადაკვეთს ფინიშის ხაზს. მოგებული არის ავტომობილი, რომელიც პირველი გადაკვეთს ფინიშის ხაზს. Drag Race -ში მომხმარებე`; locale['OtherGames.DragRace'] = `Drag Race`; locale['dragrace.board.message'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['dragrace.board.help'] = `RULES`; locale['russianpoker.choose.minimum.2.cards'] = `Choose at least 2 cards`; locale['roullete.subzero.return.info'] = `SUB-ZERO
Today the ZERO is yours
When playing {0}
if ball lands on ZERO,
Crystalbet will refund 100% of your bet`; locale['roullete.subzero.info'] = `SUB-ZERO

According to promo action you have recieved {0} {1} `; locale['roullete.subzero.info.mobile'] = `SUB-ZEROToday Zero is yoursა
According to promo action you have recieved {0} {1} `; locale['roulette.tournament.is.finished'] = `TOURNAMENT IS FINISHED`; locale['roulette.tournament.points'] = `YOUR POINTS`; locale['roulette.tournament.position'] = `YOUR POSITION`; locale['roulette.tournament.win.message'] = `CONGARTULATIONS, YOU WON`; locale['roulette.tournament.lost.message'] = `SORRY, YOU LEFT THE TOURNAMENT`; locale['roulette.tournament.prize'] = `YOUR PRIZE`; locale['roulette.tournament.congratulations'] = `CONGRATULATIONS!`; locale['roulette.tournament.moved.next.stage'] = `YOU MOVED TO THE NEXT STAGE.`; locale['roulette.tournament.id'] = `ID`; locale['roulette.tournament.name'] = `NAME`; locale['roulette.tournament.buyin.stake'] = `BUY-IN`; locale['roulette.tournament.players'] = `PLAYERS`; locale['roulette.tournament.status'] = `STARUS`; locale['roulette.tournament.info'] = `INFO`; locale['roulette.tournament.tab.prize'] = `PRIZE`; locale['roulette.tournament.prize.pool'] = `PRIZE POOL`; locale['roulette.tournament.winners'] = `WINNERS`; locale['roulette.tournament.startingdate'] = `STARTING DATE `; locale['roulette.tournament.finishdate'] = `FINISHING DATE `; locale['roulette.tournament.minmax.players'] = `MIN / MAX PLAYERS`; locale['roulette.tournament.spin.count'] = `SPINS COUNT`; locale['roulette.tournament.member'] = `MEMBERS`; locale['roulette.tournament.stage'] = `STAGE`; locale['roulette.tournament.username'] = `USERNAME`; locale['roulette.tournament.lobby'] = `TOURNAMENT LOBBY`; locale['roulette.tournament.members'] = `MEMBERS:`; locale['roulette.tournament.prizepool'] = `PRIZE POOL:`; locale['roulette.tournament.spin.left'] = `SPINS:`; locale['roulette.board.lobby.title'] = `TOURNAMENT LOBBY`; locale['roulette.tournament.spin.wait'] = `PLEASE WAIT... YOU WILL START GAME AFTER `; locale['roulette.tournament.spin.wait.after'] = `SPINS`; locale['roulette.board.tournament.win.title'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['luckyticket.board.luckyticket'] = `Lucky Ticket`; locale['luckyticket.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['luckyticket.board.help.text'] = `Choose the amount (0,20 GEL; 0,40 GEL; 1 GEL; 2 GEL ) for starting the game and click on the button “PLAY”. After this you will see the game board with 10 closed circles, that can be scraped off either by clicking on the mouse and leading across the circ`; locale['honeyworld.show.all'] = `Show All`; locale['honeyworld.play'] = `Play`; locale['slots.board.birds'] = `Birds Slot`; locale['roulette.tournament.date'] = `DATE`; locale['roulette.board.tournament.has.lost.title'] = `Message`; locale['roulette.tournament.has.lost'] = `You have ended the tournament`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.allow.doubles.no'] = `No`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.allow.doubles.yes'] = `Yes`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.allow.doubles.no'] = `No`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.allow.doubles.yes'] = `Yes`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.allow.doubles'] = `PAIR`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.allow.doubles'] = `PAIR`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.allow.doubles'] = `PAIR`; locale['backgammon.backgammon.double.dice.roll.False'] = `Yes`; locale['backgammon.backgammon.double.dice.roll.True'] = `No`; locale['backgammon.backgammon.double.dice.roll'] = `PAIR`; locale['roulette.tournament.registration.not.started.popup.header'] = `How to register on tournament?`; locale['roulette.tournament.registration.not.started.popup.text'] = `The registration will begin 1 hour before the tournament starts`; locale['roulette.tournament.spin.wait.for.next.stage'] = `Wait for the next stage`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.help'] = `RULES`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.stone14'] = `14Checkers`; locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.stone16'] = `16checkers`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.stone14'] = `14check.`; locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.stone16'] = `16check.`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.stone14'] = `14 Сheckers`; locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.stone16'] = `16 Сheckers`; locale['lobby.backgammon.mobile.game.list.type.stone16'] = `16 Check`; locale['lobby.backgammon.mobile.game.list.type.stone14'] = `14 Checkers`; locale['backgammon.double.dice.roll'] = `PAIR`; locale['roulette.tournament.spin.wait.for.start'] = `Wait for table to be available`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.win'] = `Win`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.username'] = `User`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.miniroulette'] = `Personal miniroulette`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.history.short'] = `History`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.history'] = `History`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.history.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.history.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.history.win'] = `Win`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.history.date'] = `DATE`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.last'] = `Last 100 number`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.help.text'] = `Personal Mini Roulette is one of the varieties of Roulette. The Mini Roulette, instead of 37 numbered board, consists of 13 numbered board from 0 to 12 inclusive. The principle of the game is based on guessing the numbers. The player should guess the numb`; locale['personalminiroulette.board.message'] = `Message`; locale['miniroulette.board.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['miniroulette.board.username'] = `User`; locale['miniroulette.board.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['miniroulette.board.win'] = `Win`; locale['miniroulette.board.last'] = `Last 100 number`; locale['miniroulette.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['miniroulette.board.miniroulette'] = `miniroulette`; locale['miniroulette.board.history.short'] = `History`; locale['miniroulette.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['miniroulette.board.history'] = `History`; locale['miniroulette.board.history.spinid'] = `Spin ID`; locale['miniroulette.board.history.bet'] = `Bet`; locale['miniroulette.board.history.win'] = `Win`; locale['miniroulette.board.history.date'] = `Date`; locale['miniroulette.board.help.text'] = `Virtual Mini Roulette is one of the varieties of Roulette. The Mini Roulette, instead of 37 numbered board, consists of 13 numbered board from 0 to 12 inclusive. The principle of the game is based on guessing the numbers. The player should guess the numbe`; locale['miniroulette.board.help'] = `Help`; locale['miniroulette.board.placebets'] = `PLACE YOU BETS`; locale['miniroulette.board.nomorebets'] = `NO MORE BETS`; locale['tournament.board.my.position'] = `My Position`; locale['tournament.unregister.popup.head'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['tournament.unregister.popup.content'] = `Do you really want to cancel the tournament`; locale['tournament.unregister.popup.yes'] = `Yes`; locale['tournament.unregister.popup.no'] = `No`; locale['vippoint.convert.verification.error'] = `Only for verified users`; locale['zodiacscratch.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['zodiacscratch.mobile.board.voice'] = `sound`; locale['zodiacscratch.mobile.board.exit'] = `exit`; locale['zodiacscratch.mobile.board.sound'] = `sound`; locale['slots.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['slots.board.sound'] = `Sound`; locale['slots.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['slots.board.donutcity'] = `Donutcity Slot`; locale['slots.board.you.win'] = `You win`; locale['slots.board.throw.jackpot'] = `Jackpot has played out`; locale['slots.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale[' russiankeno.token.has been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another computer`; locale['seka.board.buyin.head'] = `Deposit money to this table`; locale['seka.board.buyin.ok'] = `Deposit`; locale['slots.board.casino'] = `Casino`; locale['slots.board.galaxy'] = `Galaxy`; locale['slots.jackpot.bottom.text'] = `Keep opening safes until you find 3 similar gems`; locale['slot.mobile.board.deal.number'] = `Game #`; locale['slot.mobile.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['Bingo.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['Bingo.mobile.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['Bingo.mobile.board.sound'] = `Sound`; locale['seka.board.tournament.popup.close'] = `Close`; locale['seka.board.tournament.popup.position'] = `Position`; locale['seka.board.tournament.popup.head'] = `You complete the tournament`; locale['seka.board.tournament.popup.prize'] = `Prize`; locale['seka.board.tournament.popup.bounty'] = `BOUNTY`; locale['sweetcandy.board.movesleft'] = `Moves `; locale['seka.board.rebuy'] = `RE - BUY`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.head'] = `re - buy`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.rebuy'] = `re-buy`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.chip'] = `chips`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.balance'] = `Balance`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.count'] = `RE-BUY Amount`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.time'] = `Time`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.buy'] = `re-buy`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.cancel'] = `cancel`; locale['seka.board.rebuy.popup.bounty'] = `bounty`; locale['threecardpoker.board.threecardpoker'] = `3 Card Poker`; locale['threecardpoker.help.header'] = `help`; locale['threecardpoker.help.header.1'] = `General rules`; locale['threecardpoker.help.text.1'] = `“Three cards poker” is one of the variations of the classical poker, which is played with 52 cards. Where the cards’ hierarchy is the following (from the low to the higher) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A (in case of straight A can even fulfil the `; locale['threecardpoker.help.header.2'] = `Play on the "ANTE"`; locale['threecardpoker.help.header.3'] = `Play "Ante" and / or "Pair Pluse"`; locale['threecardpoker.help.text.3'] = `In order to start the game, the user should place the desired bet either on the “PAIR PLUSE” and/or on the “ANTE”, after which the user and the dealer are given 3-3 cards. After having seen the personal cards, the user decides whether to continue or quit `; locale['threecardpoker.help.text.2.1'] = `In order to start the game, the user should place the desired bet either on the “PAIR PLUSE” and/or on the “ANTE”, after which the user and the dealer are given 3-3 cards. After having seen the personal cards, the user decides whether to continue or quit `; locale['threecardpoker.help.header.4'] = `Profit payment table`; locale['threecardpoker.help.text.4'] = `
Royal Flush
Combination Bonus winning on bet “ANTE”
Straight Flush 6 X 1
Three of a Kin`; locale['threecardpoker.help.text.2.2'] = ` `; locale['threecardpoker.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['jetx.board.help'] = `नियम`; locale['jetx.board.help.text'] = `यह गेम वीडियो स्लॉट के वर्गीकरण से संबंधित है। गेम कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन पर इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करके खेला जाता है। प्लेयर माउस का इस्तेमाल करके और स्क्रीन पर रहे बटनों पर क्लिक करके गेम खेलता है। गेम एक फ्लैश एनिमेशन है।`; locale['jetx.board.exit'] = `बाहर निकलें`; locale['jetx.board.user'] = `यूज़र`; locale['jetx.board.cashout'] = `कलेक्ट करें`; locale['jetx.board.bet'] = `बेट`; locale['jetx.board.win'] = `जीत`; locale['jetx.board.game.history'] = `हिस्ट्री`; locale['jetx.board.statistic'] = `आंकड़े`; locale['jetx.board.circulation'] = `टेक ऑफ`; locale['jetx.board.exploded'] = `फट गया`; locale['jetx.board.time'] = `टाइम`; locale['jetx.board.kush'] = `बेट`; locale['jetx.board.chat'] = `चैट`; locale['jetx.board.balance'] = `बैलेंस`; locale['jetx.board.progress'] = `बेट्स प्राप्त करना`; locale['jetx.board.auto'] = `ऑटो कलेक्ट`; locale['jetx.board.placebet'] = `बेट`; locale['jetx.board.cancel.bet'] = `कैंसल करें `; locale['jetx.board.last.spin'] = `मेरी पिछली 100 बेट के आंकड़ें `; locale['jetx.board.top.bet'] = `पिछले 24 घंटों के बड़े ऑड्स`; locale['jetx.board.day'] = `पिछले 24 घंटों की बड़ी जीतें`; locale['jetx.board.cash'] = `कैश निकालें`; locale['jetx.board.max.kush'] = `अधिकतम बेट`; locale['jetx.board.chat.message'] = `मैसेज टेक्स्ट`; locale['jetx.board.send'] = `भेजें`; locale['jetx.title'] = `JetX`; locale['russiankeno.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another device`; locale['jetx.board.how.to.play'] = `कैसे खेलें?`; locale['jetx.board.rules.content'] = `
JETX क्या है?
JETX SMARTSOFT का गेम है जहाँ आप जल्दी और आसानी से पैसे जीत सकते हैं।
JETX कैसे खेलें?
जेट के टेक ऑफ करने से पहले बेट लगाएँ। आप एक ही JETX फ़्लाइट में सिंगल या दो बेट लगा सकते हैं। न्यूनतम बाजी {MINBET} {CURRENCYCODE} है और अधिकतम {MAXBET} {CURRENCYCODE} है। बेट का साइज़ कम-ज़्यादा करने के लिए हर बेट विकल्प के पास दिए +/- बटनों का इस्तेमाल करें।
जीत कलेक्ट करने के लिए “कलेक्ट” बटन का इस्तेमाल करें। जितना हो सके उतना ऊपर जाने की कोशिश करें और जेट के फटने से पहले कैश निकालें। फ़्लाइट की ऊँचाई निश्चित नहीं है और 1 से लेकर जीत की अधिकतम कैप के बीच हो सकती है।
हर नए राउंड के लिए अपने आप समान वैल्यू की बेट लगाने के लिए “ऑटोप्ले” का इस्तेमाल करें। आप ऐसा एक या दोनों बेट के चुनावों के लिए कर सकते हैं। ऑटो कलेक्ट के लिए न्यूनतम ऑड 1.35X है।
गेम पैनल के बाएँ कोने में गुणांक आंकड़े और गेम की हिस्ट्री दी गई है। वैल्यू हरे और लाल रंग में डिस्प्ले की जाती हैं: लाल रंग उन गुणांकों को बताता है जो 1.5 से कम हैं और हरा 1.5 से ज़्यादा वाले गुणांकों को बताता है।
जीत की गणना कैसे की जाती है?
संभावित लाभ की गणना मौजूदा फ़्लाइट गुणांक और लगाई गई बेट का गुणा करके की जाती है।
न्यूनतम मल्टीप्लायर (गुणांक) 1.00X है। अधिकतम जीत {MAXWIN} {CURRENCYCODE}।
जीत की अधिकतम कैप तक पहुँचने पर जीत का अमाउंट ऑटो कलेक्ट हो जाता है।
मुझे जीत का अमाउंट कैसे मिलता है?
विस्फोट से पहले कलेक्ट बटन का इस्तेमाल करें (लाभ तुरंत आपके बैलेंस में दिखाई देता है)। अगर विस्फोट होता है, तो बाजी हारी हुई मानी जाती है।
गेम के लिए RTP 96.7-98.8% है।
बेट लगाने के लिए सबसे कम संभावित क्रैश मल्टीप्लायर (गुणांक) लेने पर प्लेयर द्वारा अधिकतम RTP हासिल किया जा सकता है
क्या होगा अगर मैं डिस्कनेक्ट हो जाऊँ?
अगर प्लेयर डिस्कनेक्ट हो जाता है और बेट ऐक्टिव है: 1. राउंड खत्म होने तक बेट खेलना जारी रहता है, राउंड खत्म होने से पहले लौटने पर प्लेयर मैन्युअल रूप से जीत कलेक्ट कर सकता है। वरना, बेट के हार जाने या जीत की अधिकतम कैप तक पहुँचने तक खेलना जारी रहता है। 2. अगर “ऑटोकैशआउट” सक्षम किया गया है, तो जेट के पूर्व-निर्धारित गुणांक तक पहुँचने पर जीत अपने आप कलेक्ट की जाएगी। जीत का अमाउंट आपके बैलेंस में जोड़ दिया जाएगा।
जैकपॉट कैसे खेले जाते हैं?
अगर जैकपॉट सक्षम किया गया हो, तो प्रोग्राम द्वारा चुना गया केवल एक प्लेयर ही जैकपॉट जीतता है।
यूज़र बेट कम से कम 1 {CURRENCYCODE} और निकासी के दौरान बेट का न्यूनतम गुणांक कम से कम 1.4 होना चाहिए। जैकपॉट में योगदान 0.21% है, फिर चाहे बेट जैकपॉट जीतने के लिए क्वालफाइ हो या न हो। गुणांक 2.00 पर बेटिंग करके जैकपॉट के लिए क्वालफाइ होने वाली बेट खेलकर 97.9% का सर्वोच्च RTP हासिल किया जा सकता है।
अगर प्लेयर जैकपॉट जीतता है, तो जैकपॉट का केवल 70% अमाउंट प्लेयर को क्रेडिट किया जाता है। बचा हुआ 30% जैकपॉट, अगले जैकपॉट को फंड करने में लगा दिया जाता है।

धोखाधड़ी और वेबसाइट के इस्तेमाल के नियमों और शर्तों के उल्लंघन के दोषी पाए जाने वाले यूज़र के लिए वेबसाइट प्रोडक्ट और रिसोर्स का इस्तेमाल करने की क्षमता सीमित कर दी जाएगी। सीमा का स्तर वेबसाइट के एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन द्वारा तय किया जाएगा। खेल के नियमों को बदलने या खेल को पूरी तरह से कैंसल करने का अधिकार रिज़र्व है।
खराबी आने पर सभी भुगतान और खेल शून्य हो जाते हैं
`; locale['seka.board.bounty'] = `BOUNTY`; locale['jetx.throw.jeckpot'] = `जैकपॉट खेला गया`; locale['jetx.you.win'] = `आप जीत गए हैं`; locale['jetx.board.jackpot'] = `जैकपॉट`; locale['jetx.board.play.content.mobile'] = `
टेक ऑफ करने से पहले अपनी बेट लगाएँ
जोखिम उठाएँ और ऑड्स के बढ़ने का इंतज़ार करें
इसके फटने से पहले अपना कैश निकालें
`; locale['jetx.board.play.content'] = `
टेक ऑफ करने से पहले अपनी बेट लगाएँ
जोखिम उठाएँ और ऑड्स के बढ़ने का इंतज़ार करें
इसके फटने से पहले अपना कैश निकालें
`; locale['jetx.board.rules.play.mobile'] = `
टेक ऑफ करने से पहले अपनी बेट लगाएँ
जोखिम उठाएँ और ऑड्स के बढ़ने का इंतज़ार करें
इसके फटने से पहले अपना कैश निकालें
`; locale['jetx.board.list'] = `प्लेयर`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.yes'] = `हाँ`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.no'] = `नहीं`; locale['jetx.board.freebet'] = `फ़्रीस्पिन`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.exit'] = `बंद करें`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.congratulations'] = `बधाई हो!`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text1'] = `आप फ़्री स्पिन में जीत गए हैं`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text2'] = `अगर आप कैंसल करते हैं, तो आप सभी फ़्रीस्पिन हार जाएंगे`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text3'] = `क्या आप वाकई कैंसल करना चाहते हैं?`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text4'] = `बधाई हो! आपको मिली हैं`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.use'] = `इस्तेमाल करें`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.cancel'] = `कैंसल करें`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text5'] = `बाद में याद दिलाएँ`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text6'] = `फ़्रीस्पिन इस्तेमाल करें`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text7'] = `अगर आप फ़्रीस्पिन मोड छोड़तें हैं, तो आप सभी बिना इस्तेमाल की हुई फ़्री स्पिन खो देंगे`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text8'] = `क्या आप वाकई छोड़ना चाहते हैं?`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text9'] = `बची हुई फ़्रीस्पिन`; locale['jetx.board.freebet.text10'] = `बेट Free spin`; locale['jetx.board.bet.cancel'] = `बेट कैंसल कर दी गई`; locale['jetx.board.amount.error'] = `अपर्याप्त फंड`; locale['jetx.board.bet.error'] = `अमान्य बेट`; locale['jetx.board.bet.min'] = `न्यूनतम बेट है`; locale['jetx.board.bet.max'] = `अधिकतम बेट है`; locale['jetx.board.next.bet'] = `मौजूदा राउंड पूरा होने के बाद बेट लगाई जाएगी `; locale['jetx.board.next.bet.cancel'] = `ज़ारी राउंड के बाद बेट कैंसल कर दी जाएगी `; locale['jetx.board.place.bet'] = `बेट रिसीव की गई `; locale['jetx.board.on'] = `चालू`; locale['jetx.board.off'] = `बंद`; locale['jetx.board.aut'] = `ऑटो`; locale['jetx.board.allin'] = `ऑल इन`; locale['jetx.board.all'] = `सभी`; locale['russiankeno.error.keno.no.more.bet'] = `No more bets`; locale['slots.board.flowers'] = `FLOWERS SHOP`; locale['slots.board.azc'] = `AZTEC`; locale['slots.board.sport'] = `SPORT SLOT`; locale['casinoholdem.board.casinoholdem'] = `Casino Holdem`; locale['casinoholdem.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['casinoholdem.help.header'] = `Help`; locale['casinoholdem.help.header.1'] = `General rules`; locale['casinoholdem.help.header.2'] = `Play on the "ANTE" `; locale['casinoholdem.help.header.3'] = `Play "Ante" and / or " Bonus" `; locale['casinoholdem.help.text.4'] = `Profit payment table`; locale['casinoholdem.help.header.4'] = `Profit payment table `; locale['casinoholdem.help.text.4.1'] = `
Combination winning on the bet “Ante” Bonus winning on the bet «Bonus »
combination winnings on „CALL“ winnings on «Bonuss»
დიდი გამარჯვებული
`; locale['jackpot.popup.short'] = ` `; locale['roulette.board.denomination'] = ` `; locale['roulette.board.denominator'] = ` `; locale['animationroulette.board.denominator'] = ` `; locale['miniroulette.board.denominator'] = ` `; locale['miniroulette.board.cold.numbers'] = `COLD NUMBERS`; locale['miniroulette.board.hot.numbers'] = `HOT NUMBERS`; locale['slots.board.christmas'] = `CHRISTMAS`; locale['slots.board.viking'] = `VIKING`; locale['slots.board.aztec'] = `AZTEC`; locale['jetx.board.boom'] = `बूम`; locale['othergames.mobile.sound.message'] = `क्या आप ध्वनि चाहते हैं?`; locale['othergames.mobile.sound.yes'] = `हाँ`; locale['othergames.mobile.sound.no'] = `नहीं`; locale['luckydouble.board.exit_new'] = `Exit`; locale['luckydouble.board.luckydouble_new'] = `SCRATCH AND WIN delux`; locale['luckydouble.board.message_new'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['luckydouble.board.help_new'] = `RULES`; locale['scratch.balance.deluxe'] = `CREDITS`; locale['scratch.initial.bet.deluxe'] = `CHOOSE INITIAL BET`; locale['scratch.won.text.deluxe'] = `WIN`; locale['scratch.it.deluxe'] = `SCRATCH`; locale['luckydouble.board.exit.deluxe'] = `Exit`; locale['luckydouble.board.luckydouble.deluxe'] = `SCRATCH AND WIN deluxe`; locale['luckydouble.board.message.deluxe'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['luckydouble.board.help.deluxe'] = `RULES`; locale['honeyworld.mobile.board.spin.id.deluxe'] = `Spin ID`; locale['honeyworld.mobile.board.sound.deluxe'] = `Sound`; locale['honeyworld.mobile.board.exit.deluxe'] = `exit`; locale['seka.board.not.enough.balance'] = `Not enough money!`; locale['jetx.board.next.placebet'] = `अगले राउंड के लिए`; locale['dragrace.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['dragrace.mobile.board.sound'] = `Sound`; locale['dragrace.mobile.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['backgammon.button.offer.oin'] = `Surrender with 1 point`; locale['jetx.board.mygame'] = `मेरी बेट`; locale['jetx.board.coeficient'] = `ऑड`; locale['jetx.board.my.house'] = `पिछले 24 घंटों की मेरी बेट`; locale['boardgames.message.oin.offer.request'] = `Opponent surrenders with 1 point, Your answer.`; locale['dragrace.won'] = `Won`; locale['boardgames.message.oin.offer.waiting'] = `You surrenders with 1 point, wait for an answer for opponent\'s`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakeback.bronze'] = `10 % Rakeback`; locale['lobby.master.popup.status.point.bronze'] = `10 status point for every one UAH`; locale['lobby.table.search'] = `SEARCH TABLE`; locale['lobby.rakeback.bronze.text'] = `
How to acquire Bronze status?
Bronze status is applied by default to all new players
What will I get with Bronze status?
Get back 10% of fee spent on table games as VIP points.

Get10 status points for every 1 GEL fee. Accumulating status points
you’ll obtain status of higher rank and chance to get more prizes.
How to use VIP pionts
You can use them to register on Table games paid tournaments or
exchange it for money - every 500 VIP points = 5 GEL.
`; locale['lobby.rakeback.silver.text'] = `
How to acquire Silver status?
To obtain Silver status user must accumulate 5 000 status-points during one month. User have to get 5 000 status points every month to keep this status. Otherwise, he/she will be downgraded to Bronze status.
What will I get with Silver status?
Get back 15% of fee spent on table games as VIP points

Get15 status points for every 1 GEL fee. Accumulating status points
you’ll obtain status of higher rank and chance to get more prizes.
How to use VIP points
You can use them to register on Table games paid tournaments or
exchange them for money - every 500 VIP points = 5 GEL.
`; locale['lobby.rakeback.gold.text'] = `
How to acquire Gold status?
To obtain Gold status user must accumulate 10 000 status-points during one month. User have to get 5 000 status points every month to keep this status. Otherwise, he/she will be downgraded to Silver status.
What will I get with Gold status?
Get back 20% of fee spent on table games as VIP points

Get20 status points for every 1 GEL fee. Accumulating status points
you’ll obtain status of higher rank and chance to get more prizes.
How to use VIP points
You can use them to register on Table games paid tournaments or
exchange them for money - every 500 VIP points = 5 GEL.
`; locale['lobby.rakeback.crystal.text'] = `
How to acquire Crystal status?
To obtain Crystal status user must accumulate 20 000 status-points during one month. User have to get 20 000 status points every month to keep this status. Otherwise he/she will be downgraded to Gold status.
What will I get with Crystal status?
Get back 25% of fee spent on table games as VIP points

Get25 status points for every 1 GEL fee. Accumulating status points
you’ll obtain status of higher rank and chance to get more prizes.
How to use VIP points
You can use them to register on Table games paid tournaments or
exchange them for money - every 500 VIP points = 5 GEL.
`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakeback.silver'] = `15 % Rakeback`; locale['lobby.master.popup.status.point.silver'] = `15 status point for every one UAH`; locale['lobby.master.popup.status.point.gold'] = `20 status point for every one UAH`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakeback.gold'] = `20 % რეიქბეკი`; locale['lobby.master.popup.status.point.crystal'] = `25 status point for every one GEL`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakeback.crystal'] = `25 % Rakeback`; locale['lobby.master.popup.rakeback.bottom'] = `You can use VIP points as entry fee in Table Games tournaments`; locale['OtherGames.WheelOfWin'] = `Wheel Of Win`; locale['LuckyWheel.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['LuckyWheel.board.LuckyWheel'] = `WHEEL OF WIN`; locale['wheelofwin.help.txt'] = ` Wheel of win - აზარტული თამაშია, სადაც მოძრავ მრგვალ დოლურაზე გამოსახულია ციფრები 1,3,5,10,20 და 2 სპეციალური სიმბოლო ლომი და არწივი. ყოველ ციფრს შეესაბამება მოგება შესაბამისი კოეფიციენტებით: 1 – 1, 3 – 3, 5 – 5, 10 – 10, 20 – 20 და ლომს და არწივს - 45 მაგი მოგება. მოგებულად ითვლება მოთამაშე იმ შემთხვევაში, თუკი დოლურა გაჩერდება იმ ციფრზე ან სპეც სიმბოლოზე, რომლეზეც მას აქვს გაკეთებული ფსონი. ყოველ ციფრზე განსაზღვრულია მაქს დასადები თანხა 1, 3, 5 და 10 ზე მაქსიმალური ფსონი არის 20 ლარი, 20 - ზე - 10 ლარი, ხოლო სპეც სიმბოლოებზე 5 -5 ლარი.`; locale['wheelofwin.help.header.text'] = `rules`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.bronze.text1'] = `10 % Rakeback`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.bronze.text2'] = `10 status point for every one UAH`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.bronze.text3'] = `Bronze status is applied by default to all new players`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.silver.text1'] = `15 % Rakeback`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.silver.text2'] = `15 status point for every one GEL`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.silver.text3'] = `To obtain Silver status user must accumulate 5 000 status-points during one month. User have to get 5 000 status points every month to keep this status. Otherwise, he/she will be downgraded to Bronze status.,`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.gold.text3'] = `To obtain Gold status user must accumulate 10 000 status-points during one month. User have to get 5 000 status points every month to keep this status. Otherwise, he/she will be downgraded to Silver status.`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.gold.text1'] = `20 % Rakeback`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.gold.text2'] = `20 status point for every one GEL`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.crystal.text1'] = `25 % Rakeback`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.crystal.text2'] = `25 status point for every one GEL`; locale['mobile.lobby.rakeback.crystal.text3'] = `To obtain Crystal status user must accumulate 20 000 status-points during one month. User have to get 20 000 status points every month to keep this status. Otherwise he/she will be downgraded to Gold status.`; locale['slots.board.pharaoh'] = `PHARAON`; locale['rematch.offer.new.options'] = `Offer rematch`; locale['load.rematch.game'] = `Rematch`; locale['lobby.master.cash.game.history'] = `GAMES`; locale['slots.board.cowboy'] = `COWBOY`; locale['Guaranteed For Winners'] = `Guaranteed For Winners`; locale['Free Roll'] = `Free Roll `; locale['Rebuy Tournament'] = `Rebuy Tournament`; locale['Bounty + Rebuy Tournament'] = `Bounty + Rebuy Tournament`; locale['wheelofwin.help.text'] = `Wheel of win – is a gambling game, where numbers 1,3,5,10,20 and 2 symbols: a lion and an eagle are located on the round movable drum. Each number corresponds to the winning with the appropriate coefficient: 1-1; 3-3; 5-5; 10-10; 20-20 and a lion and an eagle 45x win.`; locale['wheelofwin.help.tittle'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['oin.offer'] = `Surrender with 1 point`; locale['lobby.board.prize.fund'] = `PRIZE `; locale['Gladiators FreeRoll for'] = `Gladiators FreeRoll`; locale['Gladiators FreeRoll'] = `Gladiators FreeRoll `; locale['Gladiators FreeRoll'] = `Gladiators FreeRoll`; locale['Guaranteed Tournament'] = `Guaranteed Tournament`; locale['K.O. Bounty Tournament'] = `K.O. Bounty Tournament`; locale['fastpoker.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['fastpoker.board.fastpoker'] = `Fast Poker`; locale['fastpoker.lost.text'] = `Unfortunately you did not win, try again`; locale['fastpoker.win.text'] = `You Won`; locale['fastpoker.win.img'] = `/Content/FastPoker/Images/win_en.png`; locale['fastpoker.help.text'] = `/content/FastPoker/Images/HelpPopUp_EN.png`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.balance_Redisign'] = `Balance `; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.stake_Redisign'] = `Stake `; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.pays_Redisign'] = `Pays`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['wheeloflight.board.WheelOfLightDeluxe'] = `Lucky Wheel DELUXE`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.blue_Redisign'] = `Blue`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.orange_Redisign'] = `Orange`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.green_Redisign'] = `Green`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.red_Redisign'] = `Red`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.high_Redisign'] = `High`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.low_Redisign'] = `Low`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.even_Redisign'] = `Even`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.odd_Redisign'] = `Odd`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.won.text_Redisign'] = `You Won`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.help'] = `Rules`; locale['WheelOfLightDeluxe.board.help.text'] = ` Wheel of Light Deluxe is a roulette-style game. The aim is to correctly predict the number that the pointer will stop on at the end of a spin. Bets range from predicting the exact number, a spread of numbers or whether the number will be odd or even. BE`; locale['game.create.is.disabled_Redisign_WheelOfLightDeluxe'] = `Maintenance has been scheduled. Please try again later. `; locale['Promo.FightClubTournaments.seka.week3.time'] = `9:00 pm`; locale['Fight Club'] = `Fight Club`; locale['OtherGames.SicBo'] = `Sic Bo`; locale['jetx.board.history'] = `हिस्ट्री`; locale['jetx.board.gift.spin.left'] = `शेष फ़्रीस्पिन`; locale['jetx.board.statistics'] = `आंकड़े`; locale['jetx.board.gamers'] = `प्लेयर`; locale['jetx.board.gift.spin.amount'] = `फ़्रीस्पिन की कीमत`; locale['jetx.board.gift.spin.count'] = `रिसीव की गईं `; locale['jetx.board.gift.spin.used'] = `इस्तेमाल की गईं`; locale['jetx.board.cashout.action'] = `कलेक्ट करें`; locale['slots.board.football'] = `Football`; locale['slots.board.bookofwin'] = `Book Of Win`; locale['slots.board.samurai'] = `SAMURAI`; locale['slots.board.total.bet'] = `Total bet`; locale['slots.board.credit'] = `credit`; locale['slots.board.line'] = `line`; locale['slots.board.bet.per'] = `bet per`; locale['slots.board.card'] = `card`; locale['slots.board.play.to.credits'] = `play {0}\nto {1}\ncredits`; locale['slots.board.input.win'] = `input win`; locale['slots.board.prize.win'] = `prize win`; locale['slots.board.total.win'] = `total win`; locale['slots.board.bonus.spins.left'] = `BONUS\nSPINS\nLEFT`; locale['slots.board.gift.continue'] = `continue\nfree spins`; locale['slots.board.gift.leave'] = `leave\nthe game`; locale['slots.board.gift.credits.won'] = `Credits Won`; locale['slots.board.gift.paid'] = `Paid {0} {1}`; locale['slots.board.credits.won'] = `CREDITS WON`; locale['slots.board.free.spins'] = `मुफ्त स्पिन`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.left'] = `FREE SPINS`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.awarded1'] = `AWARDED`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.awarded2'] = `Free spins with X{0} paying`; locale['slots.board.auto.play.text1'] = `number of rounds remaining`; locale['slots.board.auto.play.text2'] = `number of rounds select to start`; locale['slots.board.auto.play'] = `autoplay`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.free.game'] = `free game`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.to'] = `to`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.extra1'] = `you won`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.extra2'] = `extra free spin`; locale['slots.board.play'] = `play`; locale['slots.board.balance'] = `संतुलन`; locale['slots.board.win'] = `जीत`; locale['slots.board.last.win'] = `Last win`; locale['slots.board.bonus'] = `Bonus`; locale['slots.board.warning.text1'] = `In case of rising the bet during the game, the quantity of\naccumulated bonus and wild symbols is equal to zero.`; locale['slots.board.warning.text2'] = `Would you like to rise the bet?`; locale['slots.board.warning.yes'] = `yes`; locale['slots.board.warning.no'] = `no`; locale['mobile.slots.button.auto.play'] = `Auto`; locale['mobile.slots.button.risk.game'] = `risk\ngame`; locale['spingame.top.winner.board'] = `TOP winnings`; locale['spingame.last.winner.board'] = `Last winnings`; locale['lobby.spingame.tab'] = `SPIN `; locale['spingame.Spinner.Spin'] = `Spin`; locale['board.tournament.spingame'] = `SPIN tables`; locale['spingame.Spinner.Prize'] = `PRIZE:`; locale['threecard.bura'] = `Three cards bura `; locale['Spin.Registration.Button'] = `play`; locale['Spin.Disable.Registration.Button'] = `Cancel`; locale['Max.Winning'] = `Max. Winning`; locale['mobile.lobby.bura.tabs.all.tables'] = `TABLES`; locale['mobile.lobby.seka.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['mobile.lobby.dominoes.tabs.all.tables'] = `ALL TABLES`; locale['mobile.lobby.backgammon.tabs.all.tables'] = `TABLES`; locale['mobile.lobby.blackjack.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`; locale['spin.game.header.threecard.bura'] = `BURA 3 CARDS`; locale['spin.game.header.SpinDominoes75'] = `DOMINOES 75`; locale['spin.game.header.SpinDominoes175'] = `SPIN DOMINOES 175`; locale['spin.game.header.backgammon'] = `BACKGAMMON ORDINARY`; locale['spin.game.header.seka'] = `SEKA`; locale['spin.game.header.spinseka'] = `SEKA`; locale['spin.game.header.Spinblackjack'] = `BLACKJACK`; locale['spin.game.header.spinjapanesejoker'] = `Jap.Joker`; locale['Balloon.board.Tittle'] = `Balloon`; locale['Balloon.board.Erorr.Tittle'] = `मैसेज`; locale['Balloon.board.Amount.Tittle'] = `बैलेंस`; locale['Balloon.board.Win.Tittle'] = `जीत`; locale['Balloon.board.connection.lost'] = `कनेक्शन टूट गया`; locale['Balloon.board.exit'] = `बाहर निकलें`; locale['Balloon.mobile.board.sound'] = `साउंड`; locale['Balloon.mobile.Sound.PopUp'] = `साउंड सक्षम करें?`; locale['Balloon.mobile.Sound.PopUp.Yes'] = `हाँ`; locale['Balloon.mobile.Sound.PopUp.No'] = `नहीं`; locale['Balloon.mobile.board.exit'] = `बाहर निकलें`; locale['Balloon.board.Help.Text'] = `गेम शुरू करने के लिए मनचाही बेट चुनें और दबाएँ और दबाकर रखें बटन दबाएँ। जब तक आप बेट से निकलना न चाहें, तब तक बटन दबाकर रखें। आप जितनी देर बटन दबाकर रखेंगे, उतनी ही देर तक आपके द्वारा जीता जा सकने वाला अमाउंट बढ़ता जाएगा। गुब्बारे के फटने से पहले दबाएँ और दबाकर रखें बटन को छोड़ देने पर आप जीत जाएँगे। अमाउंट, गुब्बारे की वैल्यू गुणा बेट होता है। दबाए गए बटन को छोड़ने के बाद तीन सेकंड तक आपको फिर से इसे दबाकर और दबाए रखकर जीते जाने वाले पैसों की मौजूदा वैल्यू बढ़ाने की अनुमति है। गुब्बारे की वैल्यू 1 से अनंत के बीच हो सकती है। न्यूनतम बेट 0.5 GEL है और अधिकतम {MAXBET} {CURRENCYCODE} है। अधिकतम लाभ 30,000 GEL है।`; locale['Balloon.board.Time.Out'] = `टाइम आउट`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.won'] = `Won`; locale['slots.board.lines'] = `लाइनें`; locale['slots.button.spin'] = `spin`; locale['slots.button.stop'] = `stop`; locale['slots.button.take'] = `take`; locale['slots.button.bet.double'] = `bet\ndouble`; locale['slots.button.bet.max'] = `bet\nmax`; locale['slots.button.help'] = `help`; locale['slots.board.double.risk.step'] = `risk step`; locale['slots.board.double.dealer'] = `dealer`; locale['slots.board.double.pick'] = `pick`; locale['slots.button.auto.play'] = `Auto Play`; locale['slots.button.risk.game'] = `Risk Game`; locale['slots.board.double.gamble.amount'] = `GAMBLE AMOUNT`; locale['slots.board.double.gamble.win'] = `GAMBLE TO WIN`; locale['slots.board.double.previous.cards'] = `Previous cards`; locale['slots.board.double.text'] = `choose Red or Black gamble, or take the win!`; locale['slots.board.double.red'] = `Red`; locale['slots.board.double.black'] = `Black`; locale['slots.board.double.take.win'] = `Take Win`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.stacked.wild'] = `stacked wild`; locale['help.slots.samurai.helpOne.textRight'] = `Staked on reels. 3, 4, 5. `; locale['help.slots.samurai.helpOne.description'] = `More than 40 Wild symbols. on reels to boost your wins. `; locale['help.slots.samurai.helpThree.description'] = ` This Game Features Rolling Reels

Rolling reels Can award multiple consecutive wins and will award up to 10x multiplier during free spins

All bets played are the same as the game that triggered the free spins Bonus wins multiplied by total bet staked - Bonus wins added to way wins

`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.helpOne.afterTitle'] = `substitutes all symbols except Bonus symbol`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.helpOne.description'] = `

Play 1 to 500 credits.
Bet to 20 lines and 25 per line.
All wins are added.
All wins in credits.

To increase amount of bet on each line, press bet button.
To change number of lines press lines button.
Total bet will be divided equally between each active payline.

`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.risk.game'] = `RISK GAME`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.helpThree.texts'] = `risk game If You have some win in main game, you can try to double it in risk game. v Before You open card You may take win and return to main game. Also You return to main game in case You lose. In risk game You must select one closed cards out of four. If your card is higher than dealer’s one your win will double. if your card is equal to the Dealer\'s one then your win will not change. If your card is lower than dealer\'s one, you will lose your win. `; locale['help.slots.cowboy.bonus.game'] = `Bonus Game.`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.bonus.description'] = `Bonus game is activated when 3 or more Bonus
Symbols appears anywhere on the reels.
In new window, you will see 10 SAFES.
You need to select 5 SAFES to determine the
quantity of Free Spins.
Each SAFE contains hidden number of Free Spins
from 1 till 5.
If during the Bonus Game, Bonus Symbol will
appear on any reel, you get an additional
number of Free Spins, which are added to the
current quantity of Free Spins:
`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.desc.risk.game'] = ` Press RISK GAME button, then select RED or BLACK.
If RED / BLACK choice is correct the gamble amount is doubled (X2)
If RED/BLACK choice is not correct the gamble amount is lost and the game is finished
`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.title.payline.chart'] = `PAYLINE CHART`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.bonus.gold'] = `1 BONUS symbol - 1 Free Spin,
2 BONUS symbols - 2 Free Spins,
3 BONUS symbols - 5 Free Spins,
4 BONUS symbols- 7 Free Spins,
5 BONUS symbols- 10 Free Spins.
`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.bonus.red'] = `All wins are multiplied on X3 during Bonus Games.`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.playline.chart'] = `Payline Chart`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.chart.description'] = `All wins pay left to right on adjacent reels, on selected lines, starting with leftmost reel, except Bonus Symbols. Highest payline and/or wild wins only paid. Line wins are multiplied by the bet value on the winning line. Malfunction voids all pays and plays.RTP - 98.4%`; locale['help.slots.cowboy.risk.step1'] = `risk step 1`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.title.free.games'] = `FREE GAMES`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.text.line.first'] = `One special expanding symbol is randomly selected at the start of the Free Games.`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.text.line.last'] = `During Free Games and after payout of regular symbols, the special symbol may expand to cover 3 positions on the reel and pays like the regular symbol but even on non-adjacents positions and on all lines played (expanding is only triggered if enough symbols for a win are present). 3 or more scatters on the screen trigger 10 Free Games with special expanding symbol. The special expanding symbol can not be substituted by a scatter symbol during Free Games. `; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.title.rules'] = `RULES`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.text.rules'] = `all prizes are for combinations of a kind. All prizes are for combinations left to right, except scatters.all prizes are on selected lines, except scatters. Scatter symbols pay at any position on screen. Highest win only paid on each selected line and per scatter combination. Scatter wins and line wins are added. The paytable always shows the prizes for the currently selected bet and number of lines. Free games can be won again during the free games. Free games are played at trigger bet and lines. With your current stake, a maximum of 250 can be bet while gambling. For higher wins or during autoplay, gambling is not possible. RTP - 95.4%..`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.title.suitable'] = `

suitable for all symbols

`; locale['help.slots.bookofwin.title.free.game'] = `

10 free game

`; locale['slots.board.stop'] = `STOP`; locale['slots.button.you.won'] = `YOU WON`; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpOne.title'] = `Wild symbol substitutes for`; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpOne.description'] = `Christmas Slot- is a 5 reel video slot game, WILD changes any symbol, except the bonus symbol.
The game starts by clicking on a START button. After the reels stop, the winning will be displayed on the screen. The winning will be considered actual, if starting from the left edge minimum 3 symbols are the same in the first 3 lines (it is required, that each line should contain each symbol), the same symbols may be in 3, 4 or in all 5 columns. The winnings are determined by the combined bet and the size of combined symbols. The player can win several combinations at the same time, in this case, the winning combinations are summed. RTP - 96.5%.
`; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpThree.title'] = `Special Spin`; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpThree.description'] = `The main distinguishing sign of the Christmas slot is that, during the game,Christmas tree,located on the left corner of the screen,is slowly lightened up. For lighting the Christmas tree player,without raising the bet,should catch relevant combinations of colorful balls during the game. After lighting the Christmas tree all different color balls are transformed into one universal ball,New winning combination is displayed on the screen and appropriate winning is accrued to the payer. `; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpFour.title'] = `bonus game`; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpFour.titleGold'] = `For entering in the bonus game, minimal 3 bonus symbol should be on the playing board.`; locale['help.slots.christmas.helpFour.description'] = `According to the quantity of the bonus symbols in the game, the player is given the appropriate try: 3 bonus symbols - 1 try, 4 bonus symbols - 2 tries, 5 bonus symbols -3 tries. In the bonus game, at first, the 3 drums reel is span, where if the symbol is encountered with the symbol of the arrow, the user wins the corresponding amount of the symbol. The coefficients of the winning combinations is given at the top of the bonus page. If the arrow stops on the EXIT box, the player loses 1 try. `; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.stacked.wild'] = `WILD SYMBOLS
`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.helpOne.description'] = `Play 1 to 500 credits.
Bet to 20 lines and 25 per line.
All wins are added. All wins in credits.
To increase amount of bet on each line, press BET button.
To change number of lines press LINES button.
Total bet will be divided equally between each active payline`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.risk.game'] = `start risk game `; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.risk.secondLine'] = `In risk game You must select one out of four closed cards. If
your card is higher than dealer’s one your win will double.`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.risk.thirdLine'] = ` Before You open card You may take win and return to main game.Also You return to main
game when You lose your win.
If your card is equal to the Dealer\'s one then your win will not change
If your card is lower than dealer\'s one, you will lose your win.`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.bonus.game'] = `

on every 100 collected free spin symbols
the user is given 15 free spin, through paying where he has the opportunity to choose 5 fiery sarcophagi out of the sug
gested 12. Colorful sarcophagi or black sarcophagi. The score 1 X-30 X
including, matches the colorful sarcophagi while the following system is for
black sarcophagi.`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.bonus.description'] = ` you can not double while free spin!`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.playline.chart'] = `payline chart`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.chart.description'] = `

The bonus and free spin accumulative methods function in game. Every bonus and free spin’s
symbols on the screen are counted and accumulated. In case if user does not increase the bet, the
number of saved bonus or free spin symbols will be proportionally equal (or exceeds) to 50 and 100.

User will be redirected to the appropriate bonus or free spin game. If the user increases the bet, then the accumulated symbols in case of reducing the bet, the number of accumulated symbols remains.

`; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.risk.step1'] = `BONUS GAME`; locale['help.slots.birds.helpOne.description'] = `Play 1 to 500 credits.
Bet to 20 lines and 25 per line.
All wins are added. All wins in credits.
To increase amount of bet on each line, press BET button.
To change number of lines press LINES button.
Total bet will be divided equally between each active payline `; locale['help.slots.birds.bonus.description'] = `symbols

10 free spins
with x3 paying
`; locale['help.slots.birds.bonus.description1'] = `symbols

25 free spins
with x3 paying
`; locale['help.slots.birds.bonus.description2'] = `symbols

50 free spins
with x3 paying
`; locale['help.slots.birds.playline.chart'] = `payline chart`; locale['help.slots.birds.risk.step1'] = `bonus game`; locale['help.slots.birds.risk.step2'] = `For 100 accumulated bonus symbols the user is redirected to the
bonus game, where he has the opportunity to choose 5 eggs out of
the suggested 10. The chicken or the broken egg are hidden behind
the egg. The score 1 X-30 X including, matches the broken egg,
while the following system is for the chicken: `; locale['help.slots.samurai.helpOne.textLeft'] = `wild symbols Substitutes for.`; locale['help.slots.samurai.helpFour.description'] = `
243 ways to win,what are way wins? Way wins awarded for left to right Adjacent symbol combinations.
Way wins multiplied by coins bet-All wins pay left to right except BONUS which pays any multiple winning. Combinations awarded per way only the highest winning combination is awarded per symbol combination . RTP - 97.0%. `; locale['help.slots.birds.risk.secondLine'] = `In risk game You must select one out of four closed cards.
If You have some win in main game You can try to double it in risk game.
If your card is higher than dealer’s one your win will double.`; locale['help.slots.birds.risk.thirdLine'] = `Before You open card You may take win and return to main game.Also You return to main
game when You lose your win.
If your card is equal to the Dealer\'s one then your win will not change
If your card is lower than dealer\'s one, you will lose your win. `; locale['help.slots.birds.risk.game'] = ` start risk game `; locale['help.slots.birds.bonus.game'] = `you can not double while free spin!`; locale['help.slots.birds.stacked.wild'] = `WILD SYMBOLS
SUBSTITUTES FOR`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpOne.title'] = `WILD SYMBOLS SUBSTITUTES FOR`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpOne.description'] = `Play 1 to 500 credits.
Bet to 20 lines and 25 per line.
All wins are added. All wins in credits.
To increase amount of bet on each line, press BET button.
To change number of lines press LINES button.
Total bet will be divided equally between each active payline.`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpFour.title'] = `START RISK GAME`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpFour.desccription'] = `

In risk game You must select one out of four closed cards.
If You have some win in main game You can try to double it in risk game. If your card is higher than dealer’s one your win will double.


Before You open card You may take win and return to main game. Also You return to main game when You lose your win.

If your card is equal to the Dealer\'s one then your win will not change If your card is lower than dealer\'s one, you will lose your win.

`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpFive.description'] = ` ON EVERY 100 COLLECTED FREE SPINS SYMBOLS
YOU CAN NOT DOUBLE WHILE FREE SPIN! `; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpSix.title'] = `accumulation`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpSix.description'] = `The bonus and free spin accumulative methods function in game. Every bonus and free spin’s symbols on the screen are counted and accumulated. In case if user does not increase the bet, the number of saved bonus or free spin symbols will be proportionally equal (or exceeds) to 50 and 100. User will be redirected to the appropriate bonus or free spin game.

If the user increases the bet, then the accumulated symbols in case of reducing the bet, the number of accumulated symbols remains.

For 100 accumulated bonus symbols the user is redirected to the bonus game, where he has the opportunity to choose 5 Comet out of the suggested 10. The winning number or the Galaxy are hidden behind the comet. The score 1 X-30 X including, matches the winning number, while the following system is for the Galaxy.`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpSeven.titleLeft'] = `payline chart 1`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpSix.titleRight'] = `payline chart 2`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpEight.riskGame'] = `risk step`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpSeven.titleRight'] = `payline chart 2`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpOne.text'] = `OTHER SYMBOLS The win multiplier increases with each new avalanche in a game round. `; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpOne.text'] = `other symbols`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpThree.thirdBlock'] = `free falls multiplier`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpThree.secondBlock'] = `multiplier`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpThree.firstBlock'] = `avalanche initial avalanche 2nd avalanche 3nd avalanche 4+ avalanche `; locale['help.slots.viking.helpThree.bottomTitle'] = `The win multiplier increases with each new avalanche in a game round.`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpThree.topTitle'] = `avalanche multipliers`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpTwo.rightDescription'] = `wild symbol substitutes for any symbol.`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpTwo.leftText'] = `

Each bet line containing 3 bonus symbols activates 10 bonus

bonus symbols must appear in succession, starting from the leftmost column.

additional bonus can be won during bonus

`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpTwo.rightTitle'] = `wild`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpTwo.rightText'] = `wild symbol substitutes for any symbol.`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpTwo.leftDescription'] = `

each bet line containing 3 bonus symbols activates 10 bonus

SION. STARTING FROM THE LEFTMOST COLUMN. ADDITIONAL BONUS CAN BE WON DURING BONUS.bonus`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpTwo.bottomText'] = `Only the highest win per bet line is paid. Bet line wins pay if in succession from leftmost to right.`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpThree.topText'] = `avalanche multipliers The win multiplier increases with each new avalanche in a game round.`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpThree.firstBlock'] = `avalanche initial avalanche 2nd avalanche 3nd avalanche 4+ avalanche `; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpThree.secondBlock'] = `multiplier X1 X2 X3 X5`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpThree.thirdBlock'] = `free falls multiplier X3 X6 X9 X15`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpThree.bottomBlock'] = `Only the highest win per bet line is paid. Bet line wins pay if in succession from leftmost to right.
RTP - 94.5%`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpONe.bottomText'] = `Only the highest win per bet line is paid. Bet line wins pay if in succession from leftmost to right.
RTP - 94.5%`; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpOne.description'] = `The win multiplier increases with each new avalanche in a game round. `; locale['help.slots.aztec.helpOne.bottomText'] = `Only the highest win per bet line is paid. Bet line wins pay if in succession from leftmost to right.`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpOne.title'] = `OTHER SYMBOLS`; locale['help.slots.viking.helpOne.description'] = `The win multiplier increases with each new avalanche in a game round. `; locale['slots.board.bet'] = `दांव`; locale['slots.button.bet.level'] = `BET LEVEL`; locale['slots.button.coin.value'] = `COIN VALUE`; locale['slots.button.max.bet'] = `MAX BET`; locale['slots.board.coin.value'] = `कॉइन वैल्यू`; locale['slots.board.bet.level'] = `BET LEVEL`; locale['slots.board.bet.lines'] = `BET LINES`; locale['slots.board.coins'] = `COINS`; locale['slots.board.gift.head'] = `ATTENTION!`; locale['slots.board.gift.text'] = `You\'ve implemented free spin not completely. If you leave the game, you will lose the winnings and the remaining free spin for today. Please click Continue to complete the game session.`; locale['slots.board.level'] = `LEVEL`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpOne.description'] = `PAYTABLE`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpOne.title'] = `WILD`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpOne.title.left'] = `FREE SPINS`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpOne.description.right'] = `A winning combination after the fifth re-spin
activates 8 free spins.
Free spins are played with 3125 ways to win.`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpOne.description.bottom'] = `matching symbols in any position on three or more adjacent reel, starting from
leftmost reel to the rightmost reel is a winning combination.
Only the longest matching combination per symbol is paid. Malfunction voids all
pays and plays. For more information, see the game rules. `; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.top.title'] = `PAYTABLE`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.desc.title'] = `RE-SPINS`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.desctiption'] = `A winning combination in any spin on the main game activates 1 re-spin, up to
a maximum of 5 re-spins. with each re-spins the number of ways to win increases.`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.title'] = `

  • Third re-spin
  • second re-spin
  • Third re-spin
  • fourth re-spin
  • `; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.description'] = `
    • 135 ways to win
    • 405 ways to win
    • 675 ways to win
    • 1125 ways`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.bottom.description'] = `matching symbols in any position on three or more adjacent reel, starting from
      leftmost reel to the rightmost reel is a winning combination.
      Only the longest matching combination per symbol is paid. Malfunction voids all
      pays and plays. For more information, see the game rules. `; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.top.title.section3'] = `PAYTABLE`; locale['slots.board.win.up'] = `WIN UP TO \n{0}`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.bottom.description.section3'] = `matching symbols in any position on three or more adjacent reel, starting from
      leftmost reel to the rightmost reel is a winning combination.
      Only the longest matching combination per symbol is paid. Malfunction voids all
      pays and plays. For more information, see the game rules. `; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpThree.top.title.section4'] = `PAYTABLE`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.bottom.description.section4'] = `matching symbols in any position on three or more adjacent reel, starting from
      leftmost reel to the rightmost reel is a winning combination.
      Only the longest matching combination per symbol is paid. Malfunction voids all
      pays and plays. For more information, see the game rules. `; locale['slots.board.gift'] = `gift`; locale['slots.board.free.spins.bonus'] = `BONUS`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpOne.BottomDescription'] = `wild symbols only appear on reels 2,3,4 and
      5 in the main game and in free spins.
      wild symbols substitute for all symbols.`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockOneGold'] = `Third re-spin`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockOneRed'] = `135 ways to win`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockTwoGold'] = `second re-spin`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockTwoRed'] = `405 ways to win`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockThreeGold'] = `Third re-spin`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockFourGold'] = `fourth re-spin`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockFourRed'] = `1125 ways to win`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockFiveGold'] = `fifth re-spin`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockFiveRed'] = `1875 ways to win`; locale['help.slots.donutcity.helpTwo.blockThreeRed'] = `675 ways to win`; locale['help.slots.birds.helpFour.description'] = ` On every 100 collected free spin symbols
      the user is given 15 free spin, through paying X3

      you can not double while free spin!

      `; locale['help.slots.birds.helpSeven.description'] = ` accumulation The bonus and free spin accumulative methods function in game. Every bonus and free spin’s symbols on the screen are counted and accumulated. In case if the user does not increase the bet and the number of saved bonus or free spin symbols will be equal (or exceeds) 100 user will be redirected to the appropriate bonus or free spin game.

      In case of raising the bet the quantity of accumulated symbols will be reset.
      `; locale['help.slots.pharaoh.helpFive.accumulation'] = `accumulation`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpEight.title'] = `bonus game`; locale['help.slots.galaxy.helpEight.description'] = ` For 100 accumulated bonus symbols the user is redirected to the bonus game, where he has the opportunity to choose 5 comet out of the suggested 10. The chicken or the broken egg are hidden behind the egg. The score 1 X-30 X including, matches the broken egg, while the following system is for the Galaxy. `; locale['help.slots.argo.helpOne.suitable'] = ` suitable for all symbols+
      10 free game
      `; locale['help.slots.argo.helpTwo.paylineChart'] = `payline chart`; locale['help.slots.argo.helpThree.title'] = `rules`; locale['help.slots.argo.helpThree.description'] = ` all prizes are for combinations of a kind. All prizes are for combinations left to right, except scatters.all prizes are on selected lines, except scatters. Scatter symbols pay at any position on screen. Highest win only paid on each selected line and per scatter combination. Scatter wins and line wins are added. The paytable always shows the prizes for the currently selected bet and number of lines. Free games can be won again during the free games. Free games are played at trigger bet and lines. With your current stake, a maximum of 250 can be bet while gambling. For higher wins or during autoplay, gambling is not possible. . RTP - 95.4%. `; locale['help.slots.argo.helpFour.title'] = `FREE GAMESOne special expanding symbol is randomly selected at the start of the Free Games.`; locale['help.slots.argo.helpFour.description'] = ` During Free Games and after payout of regular symbols, the special symbol may expand to cover 3 positions on the reel and pays like the regular symbol but even on non-adjacents positions and on all lines played (expanding is only triggered if enough symbols for a win are present). 3 or more scatters on the screen trigger 10 Free Games with special expanding symbol. The special expanding symbol can not be substituted by a scatter symbol during Free Games. `; locale['help.slots.argo.helpFive.title'] = `risk game`; locale['help.slots.argo.helpFive.description'] = `Press RISK GAME button, then select RED or BLACK.
      If RED / BLACK choice is correct the gamble amount is doubled (X2)
      If RED/BLACK choice is not correct the gamble amount is lost and the game is
      `; locale['boardgames.title'] = `P2P games`; locale['Balloon.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `स्पिन ID`; locale['header.animation.LegendsOfFall'] = `Legends of the Fall`; locale['BoardGames.tournament.Spane.PrizeText'] = `PRIZE: `; locale['operator.unreachable'] = `अपर्याप्त फंड`; locale['slots.board.mission.spins.left'] = `Spins left`; locale['slots.board.mission.win'] = `WIN`; locale['slots.board.mission.get'] = `GET`; locale['slots.board.mission.free.spins'] = `FREE\nSPINS`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.failed'] = `misson failed`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.head'] = `mission complete`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.footer'] = `you won {0}`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.new.mission'] = `new mission`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.new.catch'] = `catch {0}`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.new.moves'] = `in {0} moves`; locale['slots.board.mission.popup.new.win'] = `win`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.XBet'] = `win`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.XBet'] = `get`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.XBet'] = `BET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.CollectIce'] = `COLLECT`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.CollectIce'] = `BET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.CollectIce'] = `GET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.CollectSpecialSymbols'] = `BET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.CollectSpecialSymbols'] = `GET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.CollectSpecialSymbols'] = `COLLECT`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.CollectSymbols'] = `GET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.CollectSymbols'] = `COLLECT`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.WinNext'] = `GET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinNext'] = `WIN NEXT`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.WinNext'] = `WIN`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.CollectSymbols'] = `BET`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinNext.info'] = `SPIN`; locale['slots.board.mission'] = `MISSION`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinWithLength'] = `Win `; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.WinWithLength'] = `Get`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.WinWithLength'] = `Bet`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinWithSymbol'] = `Win`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.WinWithSymbol'] = `Get`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.WinWithSymbol'] = `Bet`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinXBet'] = `Win`; locale['slots.board.mission.text2.WinXBet'] = `Get`; locale['slots.board.mission.warning.text1'] = `ATTENTION`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinWithLength.info'] = `{0}\n combination \n of length {1}`; locale['slots.board.mission.text1.WinXBet.info'] = `{0}x\n Bet or more`; locale['slots.board.mission.warning.text2'] = `IN CASE OF RISING THE BET DURING THE GAME, THE MISSION WILL BE CANCELLED \n\n WOULD YOU LIKE TO RISE THE BET?`; locale['slots.board.mission.warning.yes'] = `YES`; locale['slots.board.mission.warning.no'] = `NO`; locale['slots.board.mission.text3.WinXBet'] = `Bet`; locale['help.slots.sweetCubes.helpTwo.title'] = `combinations:The price for one ice breaker on a board is 20`; locale['help.slots.sweetCubes.helpThree.title'] = `bonus symbol - The slot has 3 types of bonus symbols that have a corresponding value according to the type of coin.
      A combination of five identical symbols gives you a bonus symbol that presses the symbols correctly on the multiple columns (the row).
      `; locale['help.slots.sweetCubes.helpFour.title'] = `bonus symbol - The slot has 3 types of bonus symbols that have a corresponding value according to the type of coin.
      A combination of five identical symbols gives you a bonus symbol that presses the symbols correctly on the multiple columns (the row).
      `; locale['help.slots.sweetCubes.helpFive.title'] = `A Special Bonus symbol - that touches not only the column, row and around, as well as the addition of its color symbols across the board, if the same symbols are crossed at 5X5. `; locale['help.slots.sweetCubes.helpSix.title'] = `Missions - During the game the player is given missions. If successful, you win the prize. `; locale['help.slots.sweetCubes.helpOne.title'] = `sweet candy - is a new video game. After the play button is pressed, new characters will be cast, and the profit is fixed if at least three identical characters are placed horizontally and vertically on the board. The winning combination ice is lost, the gain is measured by the number of broken ice, and the new combination takes the place of the new symbol. Until the combination wins, the characters are free to drop. `; locale['roulette.name.virtualrouletteserver'] = `Virtual Roulette`; locale['roulette.name.cammeghrouletteserver'] = `Cammegh Roulette`; locale['spin.game.header.SpinDominoes255'] = `DOMINOES 255`; locale['roulette.name.pneumorouletteserver'] = `Pneumo Roulette `; locale['roulette.name.liverouletteserver'] = `Live Roulette`; locale['bingo.board.help.text'] = `To start the game, select the amount of money (min 0.25 L - Max 80 GEL), the number of gaming tickets and click "Play" button. On the screen you will have 20 balls with random numbers by sequence. In order to win, on one of the tickets at least two number`; locale['luckyseven.board.help.text'] = `Upon entering the game you will be presented with 24 scratchable areas. Choose any 16 out of the 24 scratchable areas. Alternatively you may click on the \'Reveal All\' button which will automatically choose 16 random areas for you. Choose the amount you wi`; locale['tripleseven.board.help.text'] = `Triple Seven is a 3 reel, 1 payline slot game. The object of this game is to spin the reels and acquire a winning combination of symbols. Click on the ‘+ ‘or ‘-‘ buttons attached to the ‘Bet’ meter in order to increase or decrease the coin size you want t`; locale['gemstones.board.gemstones'] = `GEMSTONES`; locale['gemstones.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['gemstones.board.congratulation'] = `CONGRATULATIONS!`; locale['gemstones.board.YouWin'] = `YOU WIN`; locale['gemstones.board.Rules'] = `Rules`; locale['gemstones.board.RulesTextOr'] = `or`; locale['gemstones.infoText1'] = `While placing the stones, your goul is to put 3 similar`; locale['gemstones.infoText2'] = `stones in the horizontal or diagonal line.Every`; locale['gemstones.infoText3'] = `combination of stones have points. After every turn`; locale['gemstones.infoText4'] = `the points will be summed and according to that`; locale['gemstones.infoText5'] = `you win the money.`; locale['gemstones.TotalScore'] = `Total point`; locale['gemstones.Won'] = `Win`; locale['gemstones.Balance'] = `Balance`; locale['gemstones.Bet'] = `Bet`; locale['gemstones.Scores'] = `Point`; locale['gemstones.Win'] = `Win`; locale['gemstones.Game'] = `Start`; locale['gemstones.Start'] = `playing`; locale['gemstones.board.message'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['gemstones.board.RulesText1'] = `Gem Stone – is a video-slot game where player’s goal is to put 3 similar stones in the horizontal or diagonal line. Every combination of stones have points: three light blue stones 30 points, three yellow stones 30 points, three violet stones 30 points, three blue stones 40 points, three green stones 40 points, three red stones 50 points, three orange stones 50 points, three dark blue stones 100 points, three crystals 500 points.`; locale['gemstones.board.RulesText2'] = `After every turn the points will be summed and according to that player win certain sum of money. Player must collect at least 150 points to win. Min bet 0.50 GEL, max – 10 GEL.`; locale['gemstones.board.congratulations'] = `Well done!`; locale['gemstones.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `Spin ID`; locale['gemstones.mobile.board.sound'] = `Sound`; locale['gemstones.mobile.board.exit'] = `Exit`; locale['russianpoker.playerinfo.name'] = `USER:`; locale['russianpoker.playerinfo.balance'] = `Balance:`; locale['caribbeanstudpoker.playerinfo.name'] = `user :`; locale['caribbeanstudpoker.playerinfo.balance'] = `Balance :`; locale['casinoholdem.playerinfo.balance'] = `Balance :`; locale['casinoholdem.playerinfo.name'] = `User :`; locale['honeyworld.board.help.text'] = `To start the game, select the amount (at least 0.20 GEL - max 50 GEL) and click the "Start" button. Use the left mouse button to scrape the ticket. If you get three identical numbers on one of the three boards, you will win the amount corresponding to tha`; locale['zodiacscratch.board.help.text'] = `To start playing please choose bet amount (min 0.20 GEL, max – 50 GEL) and press the “Play” button. Use mouse or “SCRATCH” button to scratch the tickets. In last cell of every ticket, there is random odd. If you get three similar zodiac sign - you win you`; locale['luckydouble.board.help.text'] = `To start a game choose betting amount (min. 0.20 GEL – max. 2.00 GEL) and press “Buy ticket”. To scratch the ticket choose desired chip in “Scratch tool” section or use “Reveal all” button. After scratching the ticket, if you get triple numbers on any sid`; locale['luckydouble.board.help.text.deluxe'] = ` Scratch and win deluxe is a gambling game, where are two independent scratching boards. The first board contains 6 cells, and the second contains 9 cells. Each cell includes the “winning amount” with the appropriate number. For wining, 3 “winning amount”`; locale['luckydouble.board.help.text_new'] = ` Scratch and win deluxe is a gambling game, where are two independent scratching boards. The first board contains 6 cells, and the second contains 9 cells. Each cell includes the “winning amount” with the appropriate number. For wining, 3 “winning amount”`; locale['scratch.win.title'] = `TRIPLE WINS`; locale['scratch.win.before.10'] = `UP TO 10 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.20'] = `UP TO 20 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.50'] = `UP TO 50 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.100'] = `UP TO 100 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.10000'] = `UP TO 10000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.20000'] = `UP TO 20000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.50000'] = `UP TO 50000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.100000'] = `UP TO 100000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.title.deluxe'] = `TRIPLE WINS`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.10'] = `UP TO 10 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.20'] = `UP TO 20 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.50'] = `UP TO 50 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.100'] = `UP TO 100 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.10000'] = `UP TO 10000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.20000'] = `UP TO 20000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.50000'] = `UP TO 50000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.100000'] = `UP TO 100000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.250'] = `UP TO 250 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.250000'] = `UP TO 250000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.500'] = `UP TO 500 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.500000'] = `UP TO 500000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.1000'] = `UP TO 1000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.1000000'] = `UP TO 1000000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.2000'] = `UP TO 2000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.2000000'] = `UP TO 2000000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.2500'] = `UP TO 2500 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.2500000'] = `UP TO 2500000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.2500'] = `UP TO 2500 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.2500000'] = `UP TO 250000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.250000'] = `UP TO 250000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.250'] = `UP TO 250 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.500'] = `UP TO 500 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.500000'] = `UP TO 500000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.1000'] = `UP TO 1000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.1000000'] = `UP TO 1000000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.2000'] = `UP TO 2000 GEL`; locale['scratch.win.before.deluxe.2000000'] = `UP TO 2000000 GEL`; locale['othergames.lobby.popgames.title'] = `POP`; locale['othergames.lobby.similargames.title'] = `SIMILAR`; locale['lobby.popgames.title.game'] = `GAMES`; locale['lobby.top.wins.title.top'] = `TOP`; locale['lobby.top.wins.title.wins'] = `WINS`; locale['lobby.top.wins.game'] = `Game`; locale['lobby.top.wins.id'] = `ID`; locale['lobby.top.wins.amount'] = `Winning`; locale['lobby.last.wins.title.last'] = `LAST`; locale['lobby.last.wins.title.wins'] = `WINS`; locale['lobby.last.wins.game'] = `Game`; locale['lobby.last.wins.id'] = `ID`; locale['lobby.last.wins.amount'] = `Winning`; locale['lobby.smartsoft.logo.title'] = `smartsoft`; locale['lobby.smartsoft.logo.title.gaming'] = `gaming`; locale['lobby.exit'] = `Exit `; locale['lobby.menu.games'] = `GAMES`; locale['lobby.new.icon.title'] = `new`; locale['lobby.game.animationroulette'] = `Personal Roulette`; locale['lobby.game.balloon'] = `Balloon`; locale['lobby.game.bingo'] = `Bingo`; locale['lobby.game.bonusroulette'] = `Bonus Roulette`; locale['lobby.game.caribbeanstudpoker'] = `Caribbean Stud Poker`; locale['lobby.game.carrace'] = `Car Race`; locale['lobby.game.casinoholdem'] = `Casino Holdem`; locale['lobby.game.dragrace'] = `Drag Race`; locale['lobby.game.fastpoker'] = `Fast Poker`; locale['lobby.game.gemstones'] = `Gem Stones`; locale['lobby.game.hilosilver'] = `HiLo Silver`; locale['lobby.game.honeyworld'] = `Honey World`; locale['lobby.game.jokerpoker'] = `Joker Poker`; locale['lobby.game.luckydouble'] = `Lucky Double`; locale['lobby.game.luckyseven'] = `Lucky Seven`; locale['lobby.game.luckyticket'] = `Lucky Ticket`; locale['lobby.game.luckywheel'] = `Lucky Wheel`; locale['lobby.game.penaltyshootout'] = `Penalty Shootout`; locale['lobby.game.personalminiroulette'] = `Personal Mini Roulette`; locale['lobby.game.russianpoker'] = `Russian Poker`; locale['lobby.game.sicbo'] = `SicBo`; locale['lobby.game.spacelotto'] = `SPACE NUMBERS`; locale['lobby.game.starlotto'] = `Star Lotto`; locale['lobby.game.sweetcandy'] = `Sweet Candy`; locale['lobby.game.threecardpoker'] = `Three Card Poker`; locale['lobby.game.tripleseven'] = `Triple Seven`; locale['lobby.game.wheeloflight'] = `Wheel Of Light`; locale['lobby.game.wheelofwin'] = `Wheel Of Win`; locale['lobby.game.zodiacscratch'] = `Zodiac Scratch`; locale['Carrace.board.Carrace'] = `Car Race`; locale['Carrace.board.exit'] = `Close`; locale['carrace.new.game'] = `new game`; locale['carrace.retry'] = `retry`; locale['carrace.message'] = `Message`; locale['carrace.no.balance'] = `You have insufficient funds`; locale['carrace.use.key.board'] = `use keyboard`; locale['othergames.game.name.Carrace'] = `title`; locale['carrace.fuel'] = `FUEL`; locale['carrace.balance'] = `CREDITS`; locale['carrace.gel'] = ` GEL`; locale['carrace.start'] = `start`; locale['otherGames.carRace.Sound.PopUp.yes'] = `yes`; locale['carrace.mobile.board.spin.id'] = `SPIN ID`; locale['carrace.mobile.board.sound'] = `SOUND`; locale['carrace.mobile.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['carrace.mobile.board.help'] = `HELP`; locale['carrace.mobile.sound.popup'] = `Would you like sound?`; locale['carrace.mobile.sound.yes'] = `Yes`; locale['carrace.mobile.sound.no'] = `No`; locale['carrace.help.popup'] = `Start a new game by choosing a bet, pressing the START button or hitting the ENTER key. Use keyboard arrows to move through lanes or swipe on the screen. A certain amount of points needs to be collected to archive the checkpoints, each one indicating the `; locale['carrace.no.balance.okay'] = `OK`; locale['lobby.master.tickets'] = `Ticket`; locale['lobby.master.ticket.useticket'] = `Use`; locale['New Year Tournament'] = `New Year Tournament`; locale['jetx.board.current.bets'] = `मौजूदा बाजी`; locale['jetx.board.popup.head'] = `मैसेज`; locale['jackpot.popup.jetx-transparent'] = `