locale = [];
localeCode = 'ar';
locale['lobby.bura.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`;
locale['lobby.bura.filter.max.amount'] = `Max:`;
locale['lobby.bura.filter.min.amount'] = `Min:`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.bet'] = `AMOUNT`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.kind'] = `TYPE`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.status'] = `STATUS`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.stick'] = `MALIUTKA`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.till'] = `POINTS`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.without.turn.override'] = `Turn`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.3cards'] = `3 Cards`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.5cards'] = `5 Cards`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.bet'] = `AMOUNT`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.cards.count'] = `Game type:`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.stick.type'] = `Maliutka`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.till'] = `Points:`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.without.turn.override'] = `Turn`;
locale['lobby.bura.only.3cards.game'] = `3 Cards hide`;
locale['lobby.bura.only.5cards.game'] = `5 Cards hide`;
locale['lobby.bura.only.turn.override'] = `Hide maliutka`;
locale['lobby.bura.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`;
locale['lobby.bura.tabs.gel.10.20'] = `GEL 10 - 20`;
locale['lobby.bura.tabs.gel.20+'] = `GEL 20+`;
locale['lobby.bura.tabs.gel.half.10'] = `GEL 0.50 - 10`;
locale['lobby.bura.without.turn.override'] = `Hide no maliutka`;
locale['lobby.master.apply.filter'] = `FILTER`;
locale['lobby.master.cancel'] = `Cancel`;
locale['lobby.master.choose'] = `Choose`;
locale['lobby.master.choose.avatar'] = `CHOOSE AVATAR`;
locale['lobby.master.clear.filter'] = `CLEAR`;
locale['lobby.master.filter'] = `FILTER`;
locale['lobby.master.open.table'] = `Create table`;
locale['lobby.master.player'] = `PLAYERS`;
locale['lobby.master.player.balance'] = `Credits`;
locale['lobby.master.player.change.avatar'] = `SETTINGS`;
locale['lobby.master.player.name'] = `User`;
locale['lobby.master.playing'] = `ONLINE`;
locale['bura.button.Red'] = `Red`;
locale['bura.button.Black'] = `Black`;
locale['boardgames.button.Accept'] = `Yes`;
locale['bura.button.PlaceCards'] = `Throw`;
locale['bura.button.PassCards'] = `Throw`;
locale['bura.button.Continue'] = `Continue`;
locale['bura.button.ShowCards'] = `Show!`;
locale['bura.button.TakeCards'] = `Repel`;
locale['bura.button.PlaceStick'] = `Malutka`;
locale['bura.button.PlaceBURA'] = `BURA`;
locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble'] = `Triple`;
locale['boardgames.button.Rematch'] = `Yes`;
locale['boardgames.button.Close'] = `Close`;
locale['bura.board.bet'] = `Amount`;
locale['bura.board.point'] = `Points`;
locale['bura.board.malutka'] = `Maliutka`;
locale['bura.board.background'] = `Backgrounds`;
locale['bura.board.remainingTime'] = `Time remaining`;
locale['bura.board.game'] = `TABLE`;
locale['bura.board.message'] = `Message`;
locale['chat.header'] = `CHAT`;
locale['chat.send.message'] = `Send `;
locale['seka.message.place.bet.call'] = `Play {0} {1}`;
locale['seka.message.place.bet.all.in'] = `All In {0} {1}`;
locale['seka.message.place.bet.raise'] = `Raised {0} {1}`;
locale['seka.message.wait.for.me'] = `Wait for me`;
locale['seka.message.fold'] = `Fold`;
locale['seka.fold'] = `Fold`;
locale['test.test'] = `aaxxx`;
locale['bura.button.fold'] = `Fold`;
locale['seka.button.blind'] = `Blind`;
locale['seka.button.reblind'] = `Re Blind`;
locale['seka.button.ignore'] = `No`;
locale['seka.button.place.bet'] = `Play`;
locale['seka.button.show.cards'] = `Show cards`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.bet'] = `Bet:`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.bet.from'] = `From:`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.bet.to'] = `To:`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.score'] = `POINTS:`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.gammon'] = `Double:`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.gammon.yes'] = `YES`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.filter.gammon.no'] = `No`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.bet'] = `Amount`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.till'] = `Points`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.bet'] = `AMOUNT`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.till'] = `POINTS`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.status'] = `STATUS`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.gel.10.20'] = `GEL 10 - 20`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.gel.20+'] = `GEL 20+`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.gel.half.10'] = `GEL 0.50 - 10`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`;
locale['joining.table.game'] = `Player`;
locale['message.player.left.the.game'] = `Due to oponents exit you won {0}. GEL Won amount will be transferred to your account.`;
locale['backgammon.message.your.move'] = `Your move`;
locale['backgammon.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Opponent\'s move`;
locale['game.amount'] = `Stake`;
locale['bura.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Waiting... Opponent\'s move`;
locale['message.timeout.lose'] = `Your time expired. Opponent wins`;
locale['message.timeout.win'] = `Due to oponents delay you won {0} GEL. Won amount will be transferred to you account.`;
locale['bura.message.your.move'] = `Your move`;
locale['message.player.join.request'] = `Do you want to play with {0}`;
locale['lobby.master.join.game.header'] = `Want to play on this table?`;
locale['play.till'] = `Points`;
locale['lobby.master.join.game.cancel'] = `Cancel`;
locale['allow.turn.override'] = `Malutka`;
locale['is.long.style.game'] = ` Type`;
locale['seka.message.show.cards'] = `Showing cards {0} {1}`;
locale['boardgames.button.doubling.1'] = `Double`;
locale['boardgames.button.doubling.2'] = `Triple`;
locale['lobby.master.game.warning'] = `Message`;
locale['bura.is.long.style.game.True'] = `5 cards`;
locale['bura.is.long.style.game.False'] = `3 cards`;
locale['bura.message.wait.for.game.start'] = `Waiting`;
locale['bura.message.player.guessed.the.trump'] = `You guessed the color, therefore you can begin the game`;
locale['seka.initial.bet.amount'] = `BET`;
locale['seka.min.amount'] = `Min`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.orderedCards.with.ace'] = `thirty-one`;
locale['seka.card.combination.one.ace'] = `Ace`;
locale['seka.card.combination.card.ace'] = `Twenty-one`;
locale['seka.card.combination.two.card'] = `twenty`;
locale['seka.button.re-blind'] = `double blind`;
locale['seka.card.combination.two.aces'] = `twenty-two`;
locale['seka.message.timout.kick'] = `You are kicked from game because no action.`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.jacks'] = `three jack\'s`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.queens'] = `three queen\'s`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.orderedCards'] = `thirty`;
locale['seka.card.combination.one.card'] = `ten`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.bet'] = `Stake:`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.bet.from'] = `From:`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.bet.to'] = `To`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.filter.score'] = `POINTS`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.bet'] = `STAKE`;
locale['lobby.seka.status'] = `Status`;
locale['lobby.seka.new.game.initial.bet'] = `Bet`;
locale['lobby.seka.new.game.amount'] = `Max bet:`;
locale['lobby.seka.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`;
locale['lobby.master.game.error'] = `Message`;
locale['lobby.master.error.message.close'] = `Close`;
locale['lobby.master.game.rejected'] = `Opponent doesn\'t want to play with you`;
locale['allow.gammon'] = `Double`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.all.tables'] = `CASH TABLE`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.gel.half.10'] = `{0} 0.50 - 10`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.gel.10.20'] = `{0} 10 - 20`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.tabs.gel.20+'] = `{0} 20+`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.till'] = `HAND`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.status'] = `STATUS`;
locale['lobby.seka.game.list.table'] = `TABLES`;
locale['lobby.seka.game.list.initialBet '] = `BET`;
locale['lobby.seka.game.list.minAmunt'] = `BET`;
locale['lobby.seka.game.list.places'] = `PLACES`;
locale['bura.allow.turn.override.False'] = `Turn`;
locale['message.win.and.rematch.offer'] = `You win. Won amount of {0} Lari will be transferred to your balance. Do you want to play more?`;
locale['message.lose.and.rematch.offer'] = `Opponent wins! Do you want to play with same player again?`;
locale['bura.message.doubling.offer.request'] = `{0} has been requested, your answer...`;
locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.2'] = `Triple`;
locale['bura.messasge.doubling.offer.waiting'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`;
locale['backgammon.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.
Exit anyway?`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.game.list.bet'] = `AMOUNT`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.guessed.the.trump'] = `Opponent guessed the color, therefore he will begin the game`;
locale['bura.message.card.count.does.not.match'] = `Choose correct number of cards`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.tens'] = `three ten\'s`;
locale['seka.message.no.money.kick'] = `You are kicked from game because low balance`;
locale['bura.message.player.not.guessed.the.trump'] = `You didn\'t guess the color, therefore opponent will begin the game`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.not.guessed.the.trump'] = `Opponent didn\'t guess the color, therefore youwill begin the game`;
locale['bura.message.doubling.offer.waiting'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`;
locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.3'] = `Quadruple`;
locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.4'] = `Quintuple`;
locale['boardgames.button.ReDouble.5'] = `Sextuple`;
locale['doubling.5'] = `Quintuple`;
locale['doubling.6'] = `Sextuple`;
locale['bura.message.wait.for.opponent.game.start'] = `Wait... For game to start opponent must guess the trump\'s color`;
locale['message.rematch.rejected'] = `Opponent doesn\'t want to play with you`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.1'] = `You scored {0} points, win {0} points`;
locale['seka.button.all.in'] = `All in`;
locale['seka.message.auto.show.cards'] = `Showing cards`;
locale['backgammon.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`;
locale['seka.message.player.blind.called'] = `Blind`;
locale['lobby.master.player.Category'] = `Rank`;
locale['seka.message.player.reblind.called'] = `Double blind`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.kings'] = `three king\'s`;
locale['seka.message.player.re-blinde'] = `Double blind`;
locale['bura.message.player.rejected.doubling.offer'] = `You rejected {1} offer, opponent win {0} point`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.rejected.doubling.offer'] = `Opponent rejected {1} offer, you win {0} point`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.win.with.bura'] = `Opponent win because bura`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.1'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 1 point`;
locale['lobby.seka.game.list.initialBet'] = `BET `;
locale['lobby.game.history.loose'] = `Lose`;
locale['lobby.game.history.win'] = `Win`;
locale['lobby.game.history.header.opponent'] = `Opponent`;
locale['lobby.game.history.header.amount'] = `Bet`;
locale['lobby.game.history.header.till'] = `Points`;
locale['lobby.game.history.header.win'] = `Result`;
locale['lobby.master.game.history'] = `GAME HISTORY`;
locale['lobby.dominoes.new.game.till'] = `HAND`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.date'] = `DATE`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.name'] = `Tournament`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.join.fee'] = `BUY-IN`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.player.count'] = `PLAYERS `;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.list.status'] = `STATUS`;
locale['lobby.seka.tabs.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.seka.tabs.sit.and.go.tournaments'] = `SIT & GO`;
locale['bura.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.5'] = `You scored {0} points and win 5 points`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.1'] = `Opponent wins. You scored {0}`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.1'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`;
locale['message.waiting.for.rematch.offer'] = `Waiting whether opponent agree or not`;
locale['message.doubling.2'] = `Doubled`;
locale['message.doubling.3'] = `Tripled`;
locale['message.doubling.4'] = `Quadrupled`;
locale['message.doubling.5'] = `Quintupled`;
locale['message.doubling.6'] = `Sextupled`;
locale['dominoes.message.your.move'] = `Your move`;
locale['dominoes.message.wait.for.opponent'] = `Waiting... Opponent\'s move`;
locale['dominoes.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.
Exit anyway?`;
locale['dominoes.player.leave.question.notstarted'] = `Table is open. Close?`;
locale['bura.player.leave.question'] = `If you exit you lose.
Exit anyway?`;
locale['bura.message.card.types.does.not.match'] = `you have chosen wrong suite of cards`;
locale['dominoes.message.wait.for.opponent.draw'] = `Oponent goes to the stock`;
locale['bura.message.wrong.cards.selected.for.card.taking'] = `You have chosen wrong cards to repel`;
locale['bura.allow.turn.override.True'] = `No turn`;
locale['lobby.bura.new.game.turn.override'] = `No turn`;
locale['lobby.bura.game.list.turn.override'] = `No turn`;
locale['doubling.3'] = `Triple`;
locale['boardgames.button.doubling.3'] = `Quadruple`;
locale['boardgames.button.doubling.4'] = `Quintuple`;
locale['doubling.4'] = `Quadrupled`;
locale['doubling.2'] = `Double`;
locale['dominoes.board.balance'] = `Credits`;
locale['bura.board.balance'] = `Credits`;
locale['bura.board.choose.trumps.color'] = `To start game you have to guess trump color`;
locale['boardgames.button.doubling.5'] = `Sextuple`;
locale['message.backgammon.player.abandon'] = `Current round will be lost. Points lost: {0}.`;
locale['message.backgammon.opponent.abandoned.single.game'] = `Opponent gave up current round. You won {0} points.`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.2'] = `You scored {0} points and win 2 points`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.3'] = `You scored {0} points, win 3 points`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.4'] = `You scored {0} points, win 4 points`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.win.6'] = `You scored {0} points, win 6 points`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.2'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 2 points`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.3'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 3 points`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.4'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 4 points`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.5'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 5 points`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.win.6'] = `Opponent scored {0} and win 6 points`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.2'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.3'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.4'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.5'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.lose.6'] = `You scored {0} points. Opponent wins the round`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.2'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.3'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.4'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.5'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`;
locale['bura.message.opponent.score.and.lose.6'] = `Opponent scored {0} points. You win the round`;
locale['boardgames.button.offer'] = `Choose`;
locale['boardgames.button.accept.offer'] = `Approve`;
locale['boardgames.button.new.offer'] = `New offer`;
locale['bura.board.additionalTime'] = `Additional time`;
locale['not.enough.balance'] = `You have insufficient funds`;
locale['dominoes.message.lose'] = `the sum of stones on the hand: {0}`;
locale['dominoes.message.win'] = `the sum of stones on the hand: {0}`;
locale['message.waiting.for.opponent'] = `Wait for opponent`;
locale['dominoes.board.additionalTime'] = `Additional time`;
locale['dominoes.board.remainingTime'] = `Time remaining`;
locale['dominoes.message.your.move.in.draw'] = `Get tiles from stock!`;
locale['boardgames.button.Reject'] = `No`;
locale['lobby.seka.empty.tables'] = `FREE TABLES`;
locale['status.WaitingPlayers'] = `Avialable`;
locale['status.Playing'] = `Full`;
locale['bura.message.player.win.with.bura'] = `You win because "Bura"`;
locale['message.abandon.win.and.rematch.offer'] = `Opponent gave up. You win. Won amount of {0} Lari will be transferred to your balance. Do you want to play with same player?`;
locale['dominoes.message.block.win'] = `game is closed ("Riba"). The sum of stones on the hand: {0}`;
locale['dominoes.message.block.lose'] = `Game has blocked. Opponent wins the round`;
locale['bura.message.player.score.and.draw'] = `You score {0}. Round finished with draw`;
locale['seka.message.player.re-blind.called'] = `Reblind`;
locale['seka.button.place.seka.join.bet'] = `Join Seka`;
locale['seka.button.ignore.seka.join'] = `No`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.aces'] = `Three aces`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.category'] = `Current status`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.vippoints'] = `VIP points available:`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.statuspoints'] = `Points collected this month:`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.pointexchange'] = `VIP points to:`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.vippointstext'] = `VIP points`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.btnconvert'] = `Convert`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.minpoints'] = `To maintain current status you have to accumulate`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.pointstext'] = `Status points`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.expdatetext.before'] = `untill`;
locale['boardgames.expectation'] = `Waiting`;
locale['board.game'] = `TABLE`;
locale['seka.board.background'] = `BG`;
locale['seka.board.initial.bet'] = `Bet`;
locale['seka.board.balance'] = `Balance`;
locale['dominoes.board.zoom'] = `ZOOM`;
locale['dominoes.board.market'] = `STOCK`;
locale['dominoes.board.backgrounds'] = `BG`;
locale['dominoes.board.tiles'] = `TILES`;
locale['dominoes.board.point'] = `POINTS`;
locale['dominoes.board.amount'] = `Amount`;
locale['backgammon.board.game'] = `TABLE`;
locale['backgammon.board.background'] = `BG`;
locale['board.balance'] = `BALANCE:`;
locale['backgammon.board.auto.roll'] = `Autoroll dice`;
locale['backgammon.board.auto.agree'] = `Auto confirm`;
locale['backgammon.board.home.change'] = `Change side`;
locale['backgammon.board.resign'] = `Give up`;
locale['backgammon.board.back'] = `Undo`;
locale['backgammon.board.agree'] = `Confirm`;
locale['board.lari'] = ` LARI`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.registration'] = `REGISTRATION`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.information'] = `INFO`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.cancel'] = `CANCEL`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.level'] = `LEVEL`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.prize'] = `AWARDS`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.place'] = `POS.`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.player'] = `PLAYER`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.initial.bet'] = `ANTE`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.minute'] = `MINUTS`;
locale['seka.board.prize.fund'] = `PRIZE POOL`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.current.players'] = `MEMBERS`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.start.time'] = `STARTING DATE`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.winners'] = `WINNERS`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.coins'] = `STAKE`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.buy.in'] = `BUY-IN`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.min.players'] = `MINIMUM ENTRIES`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.max.players'] = `MAXIMUM ENTRIES`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.level.time'] = `MINUTES FOR LEVEL`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.tournament.id'] = `TOURNAMENT ID`;
locale['lobby-tournament-info-row noborder'] = `TOURNAMENT BREAK ONCE EVERY HOUR FOR 5 MINUTES`;
locale['db.error.not.enough.money'] = `Not enough money!`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.win'] = `WIN`;
locale['seka.tournament.board.time.information'] = `TOURNAMENT BREAK ONCE EVERY HOUR FOR 5 MINUTES`;
locale['tournament.status.Started'] = `Started`;
locale['backgammon.board.point'] = ` Points`;
locale['lobby.master.jackpot.header.text'] = `Badbeat jackpot rule`;
locale['lobby.master.jackpot.body.text'] = `Jackpot is played out by chance at the time selected by the program. One of the most active tables is selected by the program by chance and the jackpot is equally distributed among the players around the table. In order to win a jackpot, the user must be fully verified (with ID and phone number). `;
locale['message.redirect.to.game'] = `Transfering to another table`;
locale['tournament.status.Finished'] = `FINISHED`;
locale['tournament.message.loser'] = `You left the tournament`;
locale['message.game.pause'] = `Pause`;
locale['seka.message.player.blind.rejected'] = `Blind rejected`;
locale['message.game.pause.head'] = `Pause`;
locale['lobby.master.popup.expdatetext.after'] = `Including`;
locale['dominoes.message.fish'] = `"Riba" points: {0}`;
locale['seka.game.create.error.incorrect.amounts'] = `Wrong max bet. Max bet = 10 * bet.`;
locale['board.minute'] = `Minutes`;
locale['history.board.game'] = `Game`;
locale['backgammon.board.backgrounds'] = `BG`;
locale['dominoes.board.ties'] = `Ties`;
locale['dominoes.board.additional.time'] = `Time remaining`;
locale['tournament.message.win'] = `Congratulations! You took {0} place. Won amount {1} {2} will be transferred to your account`;
locale['board.games.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Ձեր օգտատերը մուտք է գործել մեկ այլ սարքից {0}։`;
locale['dominoes.board.additeional.time'] = `Additional time`;
locale['dominoes.board.fish.total'] = `"Riba" points:`;
locale['message.'] = `Message`;
locale['seka.card.combination.three.orderedCards.with.ace.9'] = `thirty-two`;
locale['seka.board.bank'] = `Bank`;
locale['lobby.master.game.already.started'] = `game has already started`;
locale['game.create.is.disabled'] = `CONNECTION LOST...`;
locale['tournament.status.Canceled'] = `Canceled`;
locale['tournament.status.New'] = `REGISTRATION`;
locale['mobile.backgammon.board.resign'] = `Give up`;
locale['mobile.backgammon.board.info'] = `Message`;
locale['mobile.bura.board.info'] = `Message`;
locale['mobile.dominoes.board.tiles'] = `Tiles`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.round'] = `POINTS`;
locale['client.ipaddress.already.exists.in.this.game'] = `There\'s someone already playing with this IP. Try other table.`;
locale['mobile.boardgame.bura'] = `BURA`;
locale['mobile.seka.board.info'] = `Message`;
locale['mobile.backgammon.board.aggree'] = `SONFIRM`;
locale['mobile.backgammon.board.doubling'] = `DOUBLE`;
locale['mobile.board.dominoes.exit'] = `EXIT GAME`;
locale['mobile.board.dominoes.sound'] = `SOUND`;
locale['mobile.board.dominoes.balance'] = `Credits`;
locale['mobile.board.dominoes.jackpot'] = `Jackpot`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.exit'] = `EXIT GAME`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.sound'] = `SOUND`;
locale['mobile.board.dominoes.boardnumber'] = `TABLE`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.score'] = `Point`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.balance'] = `Credits`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.gamenumber'] = `Table`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.amount'] = `Amount`;
locale['mobile.bura.board.gamenumber'] = `Table`;
locale['lobby.master.announced.tournaments'] = `SEKA TOURNAMENT`;
locale['lobby.master.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Seka tournament starts in`;
locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.backgammon'] = `NARDI`;
locale['mobile.would.you.like.sound'] = `هل ترغب في الصوت؟`;
locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.seka'] = `SEKA`;
locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.bura'] = `BURA`;
locale['mobile.lobby.master.menu.dominoes'] = `DOMINO`;
locale['mobile.bura.choose.trump.color'] = `To start game you have to guess trump color`;
locale['mobile.board.dominoes.tile'] = `TILES`;
locale['mobile.button.yes'] = `نعم`;
locale['mobile.button.no'] = `لا`;
locale['seka.message.maintenance'] = `Maintenance has been scheduled.`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type'] = `TYPE`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.choose'] = `Game type`;
locale['unable.to.join.table.is.full'] = `Table is full`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.normal'] = `Ordinary`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.hyper'] = `Hyper`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.hyper'] = `Hyper`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.standard'] = `Ordinary`;
locale['game.type'] = `TYPE`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.new.game.long'] = `Longgammon`;
locale['lobby.backgammon.game.list.type.long'] = `Longgammon`;
locale['WaitingPlayers'] = `Avialable`;
locale['game.is.finished'] = `Game is finished`;
locale['seka.tournament.loser'] = `You signed out from tournament`;
locale['seka.message.blocked.client.kick'] = `You were kicked out from this table. Please try to play at another table.`;
locale['error.client.is.blocked'] = `Connection can not be established`;
locale['dominoes.board.game'] = `TABLE`;
locale['mobile.board.backgammon.jackpot'] = `JACKPOT`;
locale['mobile.seka.board.keyboard.accept'] = `YES`;
locale['mobile.seka.board.keyboard.discard'] = `NO`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.registered.count'] = `Registered: `;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.player.count'] = `Playing:`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.current.initial.bet'] = `Initial bet:`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.current.stage'] = `Level:`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.game.count'] = `TABLE:`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.pause.time'] = `Break:`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.minute'] = `Minute`;
locale['client.linked.another.player.in.this.game'] = `There\'s someone already playing with this IP. Try other table.`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.table.no'] = `Table #`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.players'] = `PLAYERS`;
locale['minute'] = `Minutes`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.bets'] = `Chips`;
locale['lobby.seka.tournament.information'] = `INFORMATION`;
locale['db.error.not.enough.vippoints'] = `Not enough VIP points`;
locale['boardgames.create.error.incorrect.amount'] = `Incorrect amount`;
locale['lobby.bura.tabs.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.tabs.tournaments'] = `TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.master.bura.announced.tournaments'] = `BURA TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.master.bura.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Bura tournament starts in`;
locale['lobby.master.seka.announced.tournaments'] = `SEKA TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.master.seka.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Seka tournament starts in`;
locale['lobby.master.dominoes.announced.tournaments'] = `DOMINO TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.master.dominoes.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Domino tournament starts in`;
locale['lobby.master.backgammon.announced.tournaments'] = `BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENTS`;
locale['lobby.master.backgammon.time.elapsed.for.announced.tournament'] = `Backgammon tournament starts in`;
locale['tournament.registration.invalid.state'] = `Registration is over`;
locale['lobby.tournament.registered.count'] = `Registered: `;
locale['lobby.tournament.player.count'] = `Playing:`;
locale['lobby.tournament.pause.time'] = `Break:`;
locale['lobby.tournament.current.stage'] = `Level:`;
locale['tournament.board.score'] = `Points`;
locale['tournament.board.minute'] = `Minuts`;
locale['lobby.tournament.game.count'] = `Table:`;
locale['lobby.tournament.players'] = `PLAYERS`;
locale['lobby.tournament.current.score'] = `Points`;
locale['lobby.tournament.table.no'] = `Table #`;
locale['lobby.tournaments.active.player.other.game.list'] = `CURRENT TABLES`;
locale['level.1'] = `Final`;
locale['level.2'] = `1/2 Final`;
locale['level.3'] = `1/4 Final`;
locale['level.4'] = `1/8 Final`;
locale['level.5'] = `1/16 Final`;
locale['level.6'] = `1/32 Final`;
locale['level.7'] = `1/64 Final`;
locale['level.8'] = `1/128 Final`;
locale['level.9'] = `1/256 Final`;
locale['level.10'] = `1/512 Final`;
locale['tournament.message.stage.win'] = `You win! Wait for next opponent.`;
locale['lobby.tournaments.waiting.game.list'] = `Winner of this table is your next opponent`;
locale['lobby.game.history.header.date'] = `DATE`;
locale['tournament.special.registration.popup.header'] = `Tournament registration rule`;
locale['tournament.special.registration.popup.text'] = `Winners of everyday paid tournaments will be automatically registered on "Final Tournament".
Royal Flush | `; locale['dragrace.board.dragrace'] = `DRAGRACE`; locale['dragrace.board.exit'] = `EXIT`; locale['dragrace.board.help.text'] = `Drag Race - არის ახალი ვირტუალური თამაში, სადაც ერთმანეთს ეჯიბრება 6 სპორტული ავტომობილი. თამაში სრულდება მას შემდეგ რაც ერთ-ერთი ავტომობილი გადაკვეთს ფინიშის ხაზს. მოგებული არის ავტომობილი, რომელიც პირველი გადაკვეთს ფინიშის ხაზს. Drag Race -ში მომხმარებე`; locale['OtherGames.DragRace'] = `Drag Race`; locale['dragrace.board.message'] = `MESSAGE`; locale['dragrace.board.help'] = `RULES`; locale['russianpoker.choose.minimum.2.cards'] = `Choose at least 2 cards`; locale['roullete.subzero.return.info'] = `SUB-ZERO
Combination | Bonus winning on bet “ANTE” | |||||||
Straight Flush | 6 X 1 | |||||||
Three of a Kin`;
locale['threecardpoker.help.text.2.2'] = ` `;
locale['threecardpoker.board.exit'] = `Exit`;
locale['jetx.board.help'] = `القواعد`;
locale['jetx.board.help.text'] = `هذه اللعبة تشير إلى فئة سلوتس الفيديو. يتم لعب اللعبة عبر الإنترنت على شاشة الكمبيوتر. يقوم اللاعب بلعب اللعبة باستخدام الفأرة والنقر على الأزرار الموجودة على الشاشة. اللعبة عبارة عن رسوم متحركة فلاش.`;
locale['jetx.board.exit'] = `الخروج`;
locale['jetx.board.user'] = `مُستخدم`;
locale['jetx.board.cashout'] = `قُم بجمع`;
locale['jetx.board.bet'] = `رهان`;
locale['jetx.board.win'] = `اربح`;
locale['jetx.board.game.history'] = `سِجل`;
locale['jetx.board.statistic'] = `الإحصائيات`;
locale['jetx.board.circulation'] = `انطلق`;
locale['jetx.board.exploded'] = `مُتفجِر`;
locale['jetx.board.time'] = `وقت`;
locale['jetx.board.kush'] = `رهان`;
locale['jetx.board.chat'] = `دردشة`;
locale['jetx.board.balance'] = `الرصيد`;
locale['jetx.board.progress'] = `استلام الرهانات`;
locale['jetx.board.auto'] = `الجمع التلقائي`;
locale['jetx.board.placebet'] = `رهان`;
locale['jetx.board.cancel.bet'] = `إلغاء `;
locale['jetx.board.last.spin'] = `إحصائيات آخر 100 رهان لي `;
locale['jetx.board.top.bet'] = `الاحتمالات الكبيرة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية`;
locale['jetx.board.day'] = `الانتصارات الكبيرة خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية`;
locale['jetx.board.cash'] = `صرف الأموال`;
locale['jetx.board.max.kush'] = `الحد الأقصى للرهان`;
locale['jetx.board.chat.message'] = `نص الرسالة`;
locale['jetx.board.send'] = `إرسال`;
locale['jetx.title'] = `JetX`;
locale['russiankeno.token.has.been.terminated'] = `Your user entered from another device`;
locale['jetx.board.how.to.play'] = `كيفية اللعب`;
locale['jetx.board.rules.content'] = ` ما هي JETX؟ JETX هي لعبة من SMARTSOFT يمكنك من خلالها أن تربح المال بسُرعة وسهولة. كيف تلعب JETX؟ ضع رهانًا قبل أن تُقلع الطائرة. يُمكنك وضع رهان واحد أو رهانين على نفس لعبة JETX. الحد الأدنى للرهان هو {MINBET} {CURRENCYCODE} والحد الأقصى هو {MAXBET} {CURRENCYCODE}. قُم باستخدام الأزرار +/ - الموجودة بجوار كل خيار رهان لضبط حجم الرهان. استخدم زر "الجمع" لتجميع المكاسب. حاول أن تطير إلى أعلى مستوى مُمكن وقُم بصرف أموالك قبل أن تنفجر الطائرة. لم يتم تحديد ارتفاع الطائرة ويختلف من 1 إلى الحد الأقصى للربح. استخدم "التشغيل التلقائي" لوضع نفس قيمة الرهان تلقائيًا لكل جولة جديدة. يُمكنك أن تقوم بذلك على أحد خياري الرهان أو كلاهما. الحد الأدنى لاحتمالات التجميع التلقائي هو 1.35X. في الركن الأيسر من لوحة اللعبة، يتم عرض إحصائيات المعاملات وسجل اللعبة. يتم عرض القيم باللونين الأخضر والأحمر: يشير اللون الأحمر إلى المعاملات التي تكون أقل من 1.5 والأخضر إلى المُعاملات الأكثر من 1.5. كيف يتم احتساب الربح؟ يتم احتساب الربح المُحتمل عن طريق ضرب مُعامل الطائرة الحالي والرهان الذي تم تحقيقه. الحد الأدنى من المُضاعف (المُعامل) هو 1.00X. الحد الأقصى للربح لكل رهان هو {MAXWIN}{CURRENCYCODE}.. عند الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى لعدد مرات الفوز، يتم جمع مبلغ الفوز بشكل تلقائي. لا تؤثر سرعة أو مهارات اللاعب أو تزيد من فرص الفوز أو تقوم بتحديد نتيجة اللعبة. كيف يُمكنني الحصول على المكاسب؟ استخدم زر التجميع قبل الانفجار (ينعكس الربح فورًا على الرصيد). إذا حدث الانفجار، فإن الحصة تُعتبر خاسرة. نسبة العائد إلى اللاعب في اللعبة هو 96.7-98.8%. يمكن للاعب أن يقوم بتحقيق الحد الأقصى من نسبة العائد للاعب عند اختيار الرهان على أقل مُضاعف تحطُم محتمل (مُعامل) وأيضًا عند الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى للمُعامل الذي يصل إلى 25000 ضعف، يتم جمع مبلغ الفوز بشكل تلقائي. JETX هي لعبة في الوقت الفعلي، ولهذا السبب تكون الإجراءات التي تتم باستخدام زر صرف الأموال عُرضة للتأخير اعتمادًا على اتصالك بالإنترنت، عادةً ما يكون ذلك في حدود 200-300 ملي ثانية. حينما تقوم بالنقر على "صرف الأموال" فإنك تقوم بتشغيل طلب دفع، والذي تتم تسويته أيضًا بقيمة المُضاعف الفعلي بحلول وقت معالجته بواسطة خادم اللعبة، بشرط عدم حدوث أي تحطُم. ماذا يحدث إذا تم قطع الاتصال؟ إذا تم قطع اتصال اللاعب وكان الرهان نشط: 1. يستمر الرهان في اللعب حتى انتهاء الجولة، يمكن للاعب تحصيل الفوز بشكل يدوي في حالة إذا عاد قبل نهاية الجولة. خلافًا لذلك، فإن الرهان يستمر في اللعب حتى يخسر أو حتى يصل إلى الحد الأقصى لعدد المكاسب. 2. إذا تم تمكين "التحويل التلقائي" فسوف يتم جمع المكاسب تلقائيًا في حالة وصول الطائرة إلى المضاعف الذي تم تحديده مُسبقًا. سوف يتم إضافة مبلغ الفوز إلى رصيدك. كيف يتم لعب الجاك بوت (الجائزة الكُبرى)؟ إذا تم تمكين الجاك بوت (الجائزة الكُبرى)، فسوف يفوز لاعب واحد فقط يختاره البرنامج بالجاك بوت. يجب أن يكون رهان المُستخدم 1 {CURRENCYCODE} على الأقل، وأن يكون الحد الأدنى من المُعامل أثناء سحب الرهان على الأقل 1.4 تبلُغ نسبة المساهمة في الجاك بوت (الجائزة الكبرى) 0.21% بغض النظر عما إذا كان الرهان مؤهلاً للفوز بالجاك بوت أم لا. يُمكن تحقيق أعلى عائد ربح للاعب (RTP) بنسبة 97.9% عند لعب الرهانات المُؤهلة للحصول على جوائز الجاك بوت عن طريق المُراهنة على المُعامل 2.00 إذا فاز أحد اللاعبين بالجاك بوت (الجائزة الكُبرى) فسوف يتم إضافة 70% فقط من مبلغ الجاك بوت إلى اللاعب. يتم ترحيل الـ 30% المُتبقية من الجاك بوت (الجائزة الكبرى) لتمويل الجاك بوت التالية. المستخدمون المُدانون بالاحتيال وانتهاك القواعد والشروط الخاصة باستخدام الموقع الإلكتروني، سوف تكون قدرتهم محدودة على استخدام مُنتجات وموارد الموقع الإلكتروني. سوف يتم تحديد مُستوى القيود من خلال إدارة موقع الويب. نحتفظ بالحق في تغيير قواعد اللعبة أو إلغاء اللعبة بالكامل. يؤدي وجود خلل إلى إلغاء كافة عمليات الدفع اللعب قم بوضع رهانك قبل إقلاع الطائرة خاطر وانتظر حتى ترتفع الاحتمالات، اسحب النقود قبل أن تنفجر قُم بالرهان قبل إقلاع الطائرة 1 2 خاطر وانتظر حتى ترتفع الاحتمالات، اسحب النقود قبل أن تنفجر 3 قُم بالرهان قبل إقلاع الطائرة خاطر وانتظر حتى ترتفع الاحتمالات قُم بصرف الأموال قبل أن تنفجر